In addition, a full-color format with over photos further organizes the contents visually. Randall Price: The book is intended as a resource to be consulted over and over again as needed. The book-by-book approach along with the Scripture index was designed to allow the user to easily find passages of interest.
Some articles in the media have questioned the appearance of camels in the Bible? Why and how do you answer them? Critics often state that the camel was not domesticated for another years, and therefore this is an anachronism a statement misplaced in time indicating that the account was written much later in time when camels were domesticated.
While the evidence may support a lack of domestication for the dromedary single-hump camel , this does not hold for the Bactrian two-hump camel, which archaeological evidence demonstrates had a much earlier domestication. Old Babylonian animal lexical lists, finds of clay camels attached to miniature clay carts in Southern Turkmenistan reveal that the Bactrian camel was already employed in the area by BC.
Closer to the Patriarchal period 18th century BC , a cylinder seal from Syria depicts two figures riding astride a Bactrian camel. Given this evidence from archaeology, there is no reason to suggest that the biblical account is in error. What are three examples of key archeological discoveries you include in your book?
Randall Price: The Zondervan Handbook of Biblical Archaeology attempts to prioritize the latest archaeological findings, and in that light, let me mention a new discovery in each of three periods. In the Old Testament, the site of Gobekli Tepe in eastern Turkey, is one of the earliest sites known to archaeology. It represents a megalithic worship center replete with standing stones decorated with animals and priests with upraised hands.
In the Intertestamental period, the Dead Sea Scrolls stand out as a leading contribution of the Jewish People to our knowledge of the Old Testament text and the beliefs of Judaism before the time of Jesus. These scrolls, which represent our oldest copies of the Bible as well as Jewish religious and sectarian writings from that time, were hidden in jars inside of caves in the region.
Recently, new caves have been discovered that contained jars and the search is again on to find more scrolls that will give us greater insight into the beliefs and culture of the Second Temple period into which Jesus was born. In the New Testament, newly discovered graffiti on walls in the ancient agora of Smyrna mentioned in the book of Revelation shows examples of people referring to other people by numbers instead of names.
This provides an interesting parallel to the statement in Revelation where the number is said to be the number of a man Antichrist. God could have simply insisted that we take his Word on faith, and for most of history people have done just that.
Randall Price: As students of the Bible we should embrace the results of archaeology and encourage new archaeological discovery. This field needs an army of archaeologists to be raised up in this generation to both teach and do excavation in the lands of the Bible.
The result will be a greater knowledge of the context of Scripture that will help future students and scholars produce even better handbooks of biblical archaeology. He directed excavations on the Qumran Plateau from and co-directed the excavation of Cave 12 at Qumran as a part of the new Operation Scroll. Everybody has questions about the Bible. Try it free today. Filed under Archaeology , Books , History , Interviews.
Tagged as archaeology , biblical archeaology. This message is only visible to admins. Problem displaying Facebook posts. Backup cache in use. Click to show error. Bible Gateway. Time and again it brings such confirmation.
One example is the route of the exodus. Based on Exodus , it has been understood that military opposition threatened Israel if they escaped north along the coastal plain. Although an Egyptian tale verified the biblical account, some scholars thought it to be fictional. Yet an archaeological excavation at the Philistine site of Deir el-Balah revealed an extensive Egyptian fortification along this northern route.
One of the most significant discoveries was a cache of a thousand ancient manuscripts in the caves of Qumran, known as the Dead Sea Scrolls. It contained the oldest known copies of the Old Testament, including fragments of every book except Esther and entire books like Isaiah. This discovery demonstrated how well the scribes had preserved the biblical text over time.
It also provided variants that helped textual critics resolve textual problems, and it has enhanced our understanding of the biblical text reflected in versions such as the Septuagint Greek translation of the Old Testament and the Samaritan Pentateuch. As the authors note:. Preserving the attention to textual detail so characteristic of the journal in the past, JQR attempts now to reach a wider and more diverse audience.
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Note: This article is a review of another work, such as a book, film, musical composition, etc. The original work is not included in the purchase of this review. The Jewish Quarterly Review. Cite this Item. Read and download Log in through your school or library.