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Was writing your dream job as child, or was it something else? And I definitely dreamed about being a professional footballer for a large part of my life. Travel thanks Covid! And spend time with my daughter — although lockdown has tested that on occasion! Nevada Noir : A Trilogy of Short Stories is a dark, atmospheric trilogy of intertwined tales of greed and temptation in the Nevada badlands.

I really wanted readers to see, smell, taste, hear and feel the place — to make reading the stories a vividly multi sensory experience. All the characters are flawed, prone to greed and liable to temptation. Not at all. What is the most difficult part of your writing process?

Finding time and space — both literal, physical space but also mental and emotional space to really focus and be creative. Probably very badly! But I do try. Do check me out! If a film were made of your book, who would you like to be cast in the leading roles? Great question! If you would like to learn more about David and his books or follow him on social media. Here are a few links:. Find him on Amazon. Today I am sharing an interview I had with a friend of mine.

Say hello to my little friend… I mean… say hello to Raymond Newsome! Raymond lives in Eastern Kentucky with his girlfriend and five children reading and creativity are always encouraged!

But the guy sends you on a ride anyway! After arriving at a grisly murder scene, Detective Jackson finds the killer waiting on the porch. During the police interview, the murderer introduces himself as none other than Brian Leroy Lewis — a younger man full of mental issues and a sinister history.

If Detective Jackson refuses, a new victim will die. But what exactly are the motives of Brian Leroy Lewis? Above is a link to the book sold on Amazon in both paperback and e-book format.

I started reading at an early age and loved it before school forces you to dissect every word. That was the beginning. I used to limit the first draft to a few months, however, the last year has done a number on my writing time and forced me to accept to just focus on the end without a timeline in mind. They experienced the corruption of the city first-hand and began to do something about it.

While attempting to help their separate city districts, they discovered each other and the common goal of the man responsible for everything.

My characters are everything to me. They are the drive behind every action and reaction. Finally, keeping the grammar proficient enough not to discourage the readers. Just like flow, too many typos can lead to someone not wanting to finish the story. I love to read and watch whatever movie or show has caught my attention. I love to go on trips with my family.

Last summer, I ventured into kayaking, which is amazing. A lot of the subjects I touch on in my books the occult, supernatural, serial killers I have studied and researched for years before ever deciding to incorporate them into my writing. However, there are those little details that add the zing to a scene that can require multiple Google searches to your writing time. I have four active projects, including the one I mentioned earlier.

I have close to fifty others in the early stages of my process. What advise would you give to someone thinking about writing? Write about something you want to read. If you love the book, your passion is there on the pages. Your readers will feel that. Practice your craft. I started with short stories and poetry which eventually evolved to books. Maybe those are what you love, so pour your soul into them. The goal is to write and keep writing. No matter what the first draft looks like, it can be fixed in editing.

We all have a story to tell. That is the power of your words. Thank you. If you would like to learn more about Raymond and his books or follow him on social media. Last year it feels weird saying that I decided to interview a few fellow authors with the intention of helping them get their work the recognition they deserve. I have listed a few questions below and a contact form. Feel free to email me between questions and I will see if I can get your featured on my website!

Please submit your answers between via the contact form below. Alternatively, you can contact me on thegirlwhowhisperedauthor gmail. If you have any images of book covers, marketing images or even wish to have a photo of yourself, please feel free to email these over to the email above. NB: Please note, if you submit more than 15 questions, I may not publish them all and will pick 15 at random. Here are a few interviews I have done already:. Author Interview — A.

Continue reading to find more about A. Thomas left the glamorous world of teaching preschool for the even more glamorous world of staying home with her toddler. Between the diaper changes and tea parties, she escapes into fantastical worlds, reading every romance available and even writing a few herself.

She devours books of every flavour — science fiction, historical, fantasy — but always with a touch of romance because she believes there is nothing more fantastical than the transformative power of love.

Aristotle Campbell is a desperate man. His twin brother has been abducted, and Ari will do anything to find him. Forced out of the comfortable solitude of his laboratory, Ari must leave their home world of Britannia and search the farthest reaches of space for his other half.

He hastily equips himself with a flawlessly tied cravat, a handful of clues, and his small science vessel. Now, all he needs is a pilot to get him across the Verge, a barrier separating the civilized world from ungoverned space. Pilot Orin Stone is a desperate man.

No ship, no pay, no prospects. He spends his days barely scraping by in the rough colonies lining the Verge interior. When he gets an offer from a frantic, upper-crust professor in need of a pilot, he has no choice but to take the job. If Orin can keep his heart and other portions of his anatomy from leaping every time sweet, innocent Dr. Campbell looks at him, this should be his easiest job yet.

Rugged Orin and aristocratic Ari work together to navigate the lawless areas of space beyond the Verge, soon discovering that they work well together in all areas. Their immediate and intense attraction to one another is an obstacle to their plans that neither saw coming. More than sparks will fly when they break through the force field and enter restricted space, all alone together for the perilous journey, leaving barriers to their growing attachment far behind.

In their search across the stars, can two desperate men find their home in one another? Currently pre-orders are available, with this sweet Christmas themed story ready to be released just in time for Christmas! Put your thick socks on, your favourite blanket and sit by a warm crackling fire with this one! Home for the holidays for the first time in five years, Clayton Osborne steps off the plane with a chip on his shoulder and a suitcase full of grief…only to come face to flannel-covered chest with his worst nightmare.

Clayton never expected Jake to still be working on his family tree farm. Until Clayton Osborne, star of his teenage dreams and his greatest regret returns home as beautiful and feisty as ever. If Jake just keeps his head down and focuses on his work, he can make it through the holidays without revealing his lingering feelings for Clayton.

The mountains of North Carolina ring with more than Christmas bells when boyhood enemies collide as men. Long-buried feelings blossom and grow while the pair work side by side to save the farm, until Clayton must confront his obligation to return to his job in Chicago. Does he want his big-city life, or love in the mountains? All of this hinges on whether he and Jake can finally bury the hatchet.

Can love overcome the years of conflict in their past? With the help of a good old-fashioned Christmas miracle, it just might. Pre-order it here! I won my first little creative writing award at age seven and I was hooked. Yes, always. Persuassion is my favorite Jane Austen novel, and I feel as though it gets overshadowed by the flashier romances in Pride and Prejudice, Emma, and Sense and Sensibility. The first and more important thing to me is writing good characters.

You can quibble over technique and style forever, but if your characters are solid and relatable, they you really have something. Look at fanction. Endless stories based on well-written, compelling characters. Exposition and setting can be perfectly and beautifully written, but it will never stick with the reader like an excellent character.

How many unpublished or half-finished books do you have? It follows Theo, the missing twin from book one, Restricted. I also have portions of the third book written. That one is a regency romance series with heavy doses of humor. I have nearly finished the first in that series and have written portions of the other two.

So, I have six partially written books going at the moment. I read the book first, absolutely. She may be a powerful producer, an award-winning actor, and one of the most loved celebrities we've got, but not even Jennifer Aniston is immune to embarrassing moments. She's even opened up about some of her worst over the years. Keep reading to find out which mortifying experience still haunts the Friends alum, and for more about the star, check out Jennifer Aniston Is Facing Backlash After Posting This on Instagram.

Read the original article on Best Life. One of the hazards of dating as an actor is that your significant other can always seek out some of your…less prestigious work. This happened to Aniston in the early days of her romance with now ex-husband Justin Theroux , and it involved the low-budget horror movie Leprechaun , in which she starred. And that was our next two hours, much to my embarrassment.

When she dropped by The Talk that same year, Aniston recounted the story again , adding that Theroux was watching the movie "as though it was the most incredible thing he'd ever seen.

And he provides some vicarious excitement for the sedate, law-abiding Michael by taking him out for a Los Angeles police officer's night on the town. This evening culminates in Pete's accidentally catching Michael's burglar and offering Michael the opportunity to beat the man senseless, which Michael nervously refuses. This exchange in "Unlawful Entry" -- along with the subsequent sight of Pete attacking his prisoner -- is enough to make Michael rethink his position vis-a-vis Pete, and decide all bets are off.

But Pete has a mind of his own. More important, he also has complete access to the Carr household, since he has helped to install its new burglar alarm. Soon Pete begins making a serious nuisance of himself, dropping by the house unexpectedly and trying various tricks to ruin Michael's career and reputation. In a scene that provides the film with its most startling paranoid vision, this policeman actually appears with a flashlight in the Carr bedroom while Karen and Michael are making love.

After this, Pete's assaults on the couple quickly escalate to new degrees of fiendishness, which seem intended to prod Michael out of his nice-guy behavior and into something a bit more primal. The film culminates furiously in a showdown proving that the veneer of civilization is paper-thin, and that the fancy-looking fixtures in the Carr kitchen and bathroom are easy to break. Kaplan's intelligence and economy are gratifyingly apparent, but his approach remains level-headed and decent long after the material from a screenplay by Lewis Colick has gone berserk.

The film looks seriously at its police officer's frustration and his potential for abuse of power, but it is less successful in getting under the three principals' skins.

The characters are seldom spontaneous or lifelike enough to justify their having stepped into this messy situation. Karen, though seemingly drawn to Pete and deeply curious about him, is played with a bland, unimpassioned solemnity by Ms. Alec Baldwin. Jim Caviezel. Kenya Moore.

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