After executing a play action, Tebow has time and space to throw the ball, and the read is clearly defined. However, Tebow does not trust what he sees, and takes a split-second hesitation. This, combined with his elongated delivery and inaccurate pass, results in an incompletion. In this play, the offense clearly won the battle. They got a favorable matchup with a tight end against a slow-footed linebacker and fooled the defense into thinking run.
Had a "regular" quarterback been under center, this would have been an easy pitch-and-catch that would have likely resulted in several yards after the catch.
These are not throws that only someone like Aaron Rodgers or Tom Brady could make. These are the types of throws that even the quarterbacks on the inactive list should make. Tebow could have made this throw, even with his elongated throwing motion—but he is clearly overwhelmed when operating a "normal" NFL offense, which slows his game down even further.
Yes, contrary to popular belief, Tim Tebow has never been very good at actually making the correct reads in what is a relatively simple offensive system, dating back to his days in Gainesville.
Let's take a look at one example from a critical Monday night game against the Tennessee Titans :. Here, Joe McKnight is going to be the option runner, going in motion before the snap. There are two key defenders on this play highlighted :. Tebow is reading the play-side defensive end—he will hand the ball off based on which direction he will engage his blocker. If he goes inside, Tebow hands the ball off.
If he chases McKnight, it will open up a blocker for Tebow to run inside. The backside defender essentially puts a clock on how much time Tim has to execute the play, as he will come unblocked. The ball is snapped, and the play-side defensive end goes inside, opening up a lane for Joe McKnight. Tebow, however, elects to keep the ball, where he will be run down by the unblocked backside defender with converging linebackers and safeties.
Tebow had no chance on the play, but McKnight did. He would have been one-on-one with a defender with a lot of space to work with, which is exactly what the Jets are looking for. This is not just a waste of a down. This was a chance for the Jets to get a huge play on the ground in a game where they struggled to move the ball all night.
There is no question that Tebow is one of the strongest quarterbacks in recent memory, as Rex Ryan illustrated last June :. I saw this in the weight room. A player had challenged him, holding these big huge sledgehammers. Hold the ball in the fingertips of your left hand, keeping an open area between your palm and the ball.
Take a step back with your left foot, keeping your feet staggered and pointing your right foot at your target. Turn your thumb down and to the left as you release the ball.
Your index finger should be the last part of you to touch the ball as you release it. How to Throw Different Softball Pitches. Who are left handed players in the NFL? How far can Tebow throw a football? What players are left handed in the NFL?
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