Ira Wile, a vocal birth control and Sanger supporter, thought that physicians should never refuse to save a life, and that Haiselden, at the very least, should have consulted with other doctors, something he admitted he did not do. Several who spoke out against Haiselden argued that a mere mortal should not play God and divine the fate of a child when there were many examples of individuals who triumphed over serious disabilities.
The prime example cited repeatedly in the press was Helen Keller. Byron was a degenerate. Helen Keller, born dumb, blind and deaf, give[s] to the sightless new hope in her guttural exclamations of delight at new-found speech. Keller, who became blind and deaf following an illness when she was 19 months old, did not appreciate being used as a prop for these infant euthanasia opponents.
A short time ago Sanger was giving away a pamphlet, Family Limitation , that his wife had written. It was her answer to many appeals for information from men and women who could not support their families and who could not pay a competent physician for the information they wanted. Its purpose was to help distressed parents to limit the number of their offspring and give a better chance of health and happiness to the children they did have.
Those that survive bring into the world, in spite of themselves, an even larger number of deformed, sickly, feebleminded children.
It would offer comprehensive healthcare for men, women, and children. It would invest in safe housing options for minority families. It would stop telling women that in order to succeed in life, you must kill your innocent child. But you know what? Planned Parenthood will never do that. You know why? Because abortion pays too well.
Investing in minority communities only costs them money. Abortion makes them money. Planned Parenthood is the greatest predatory racist organization among us.
But even speaking the language of eugenics could be insidious. Steinem writes:. Though her own work was directed toward voluntary birth control and public health programs, her use of eugenics language probably helped justify sterilization abuse. Her misjudgments should cause us to wonder what parallel errors we are making now and to question any tactics that fail to embody the ends we hope to achieve. PBS documentary, featuring Margaret Sanger's role in its development, Related Biographies.
Abrams is now one of the most prominent African American female politicians in the United States. Abigail Adams was an early advocate for women's rights. A progressive social reformer and activist, Jane Addams was on the frontline of the settlement house movement and was the first American woman to win a Nobel Peace Prize. Famed author Louisa May Alcott created colorful relatable characters in 19th century novels.
Related Background. Lesson Plan. How do we remember and honor the contributions of women in public space? The objective of this lesson is to help students thinking critically about public history and the decision-making that goes into designing and advocating for public memorials to commemorate women in American history. Shirley Chisholm to better understand her experience, and the experience of women everywhere in America.
Ida B.