He gave Barry's costume to Jay and said that Jay was once again the fastest man alive. After about a year pretending to be powerless, Bart eventually was forced to reveal that the Speed Force has been inside him all along in order to defeat a rogue pseudo-speedster, The Griffin. He became the Flash, and joined the Justice League. He also moved to Los Angeles and started at the L. Police Academy. During this time he dated Valerie Perez. Soon he was attacked by Inertia and the Rogues , who drained him of the Speed Force and beat him to death.
Ironically, Wally West was returned to New Earth by the Justice League at almost the same time, sadly a little too late to help his protege. Bart is survived by West, his grandmother Iris and girlfriend Valerie.
Keystone city held a funeral for Bart. At the end of his speech, Robin plays a video of Bart just after he became Kid Flash, in the video Bart says no matter what happens he will always be proud of being in the Flash legacy and on how happy being a Titian made him.
A gold statue of Bart as Kid Flash was put up next to the Superboy statue. When the Legion of the 31st Century came back to the past, the Justice League thought that the return of Wally West was the culmination of their efforts, yet it was only a happy side-effect. Using his lightning rod, Brainiac 5 was able to capture the essence of Bart Allen.
Returning to the future, he found his Legion beset by Superboy Prime and the Villains he had assembled to destroy them. After calling forth other Legions to help them from alternate Universes, Brainiac 5 prepared to implement the second of his three stages in his Psychological war against Prime. Gathering all of the Lightning wielders of the 3 Legions in their headquarters he also gathered along with Bart's cousin XS , and Light Lass. He had XS ran along the Cosmic Treadmill , and while Light Lass used her power to keep her from becoming a singularity, and had the Lightning Twins hit her with their power.
Bart found himself in the 31st Century along with his cousin and the members of the Legion. Taking the Flash Ring offered to him. Dressing himself, Kid Flash launched himself at Superboy Prime , ready to continue the fight. Following Blackest Night and his return to the 21st century, Bart has permanently re-taken the mantle of Kid Flash. When the Teen Titans are captured in Dakota and require back-up, Cyborg calls Kid Flash and Superboy out of retirement to rejoin the team once more.
Things take a turn for the worse however when the hostage transforms into a mythical creature, destroys the T-Wing, and takes Raven through a dimensional rift.
The team does battle with the magical enemy known as the Wyld and comes out of the skirmish unscathed, unlike the majority of his team members.
Since this line-up altering battle, Bart has remained a constant on the team and has shown that he is back with the Teen Titans for good. It is revealed that Bart has a lot of knowledge that he picked up while in the 31st century and is desperately attempting to jot it all down before it fleets his memory for good. Caligan and Headcase. In his remaining time on the Teen Titans team, Bart battled many enemies such as the returning Superboy Prime and Calculator.
He also met new heroes such as Solstice and Damian Wayne , the current Robin. Bart has no recollection of his past, but he took up the name of Kid Flash and started helping people. After much observation, he was invited to join Tim Drake's Teen Titans, the first team of its kind in this newly formed universe. In a visit to S. Labs, he is analyzed and given a new costume by young scientist Virgil Hawkins, a costume that was made to keep his molecules aligned and stable after they were thrown off balance in a fight with Superboy.
It is in Hawkins' analysis of Bart that it is implied he's from the future. It is later revealed in a meeting between Bart and the Flash that his powers have nothing to do with the Speed Force in any way, nor is he the grandson of Barry Allen. He simply believed he was since they had similar powers, and took up the name in his honor.
As he and the Titans are flung into the future by Johnny Quick during the events of Forever Evil, the truth behind this new incarnation of Bart was revealed: His real name is Bar Torr and he is a revolutionary from the future who was sent to the past as part of a witness protection program.
This was of course all according to Zoom 's sneaky plan, since it would release new forces, such as: Sage force, strength force, etc. Despite the fact that it went downhill for our heroes, the destruction of the Force Barrier has one positive outcome: the return of Bart Allen! For now, it seems that the Force Barrier was the only thing imprisoning him. Bart Allen is now back in full glory, in his classic costume!
For More Information: Zero Hour. Bart helps the heroes of Earth during the events of Zero Hour. After the event when Wally is believed to have died Bart takes it quite badly. For More Information: Infinite Crisis. Bart teamed with Jay and Wally to take him down. The three went all out to force Prime into the speed force. Prime was preparing to use his heat vision on the speedsters until the timely interception Jay provided by using his helmet to prevent the blast but Jay stumbled and went out of the race and Wally seemed to vanish leaving Bart alone to try and force Prime into the speed force that is until emanations of Barry Allen , Max Mercury and Johnny Quick , all of whom were former speedsters who had been taken into the Speed Force, appeared to assist Bart.
As a result Bart ended up being absorbed into the speed force himself. Stuck in the speed force with Wally and Barry, Barry says that they should pool their speed together so that one of them could get back and warn the world of Superboy Prime.
Barry nominates Wally but Bart puts himself forward because Wally had a family and Barry was just a ghost. Bravely Bart races and gets to Metropolis just in time to help the other heroes fight against prime. For More Information: Flash Rebirth. During Flash Rebirth Barry Allen returned. This gave Bart an opportunity he never had, the opportunity to meet his grandfather.
It also brings back Bart's mentor and friend Max Mercury. He saved Joe and Eddie, who'd come to investigate, after a piece of debris flew at them.
With Mardon's tornado heading towards the city, with an increasing wind speed, Barry suggested that he run around the tornado in reverse in order to unravel it. Despite Caitlin and Cisco's belief that Barry might not hold up, he proceeded to run around it. Before he could run fast enough, Mardon knocked him away. Believing him to be too strong, Barry didn't think he could beat Clyde.
However, as he was about to give up, Dr. Wells began communicating with him. Despite acting selfishly, Wells expressed that he truly, deeply believed that Barry was special, that he could help stop the havoc he'd created. With the confidence boost, Barry was able to run fast enough, clocking just over mph, ultimately unraveling the tornado.
After being knocked to the ground, both Clyde and Barry stood up. Clyde proceeded to point a gun at him, claiming them to be the same, though Barry strongly disagreed. Before he could shoot Barry, Joe intervened. The following morning, still at the crime scene, Joe and Barry discussed Barry's powers and Joe apologized, for not believing him and for also believing his father a murderer.
Barry also promised not to reveal anything to Iris so as to keep her safe. Not long after, Barry visited his father in Iron Heights Prison , assuring him that he still believed in him, that he was incredibly proud to be his son. After that, with a lightning bolt symbol added to his suit, Barry ran through the streets of Central City, saving a man from crashing on his bicycle. Barry continued to save citizens throughout Central City, much to the frustration of Caitlin and Joe.
At his day job with the CCPD, Barry investigated a strange robbery and murder scene wherein the surveillance footage showed one man, but evidence indicated that there was at least six present. He later made a casual remark that the perp's footprints were about the same size as those of Captain Singh's but was reprimanded for it by Joe, who reminded him not to tell Iris about his ability. Iris was covering the event for her journalism assignment and needed Barry to help her with the scientific parts.
At the event, the armed gunmen responsible for the scene Barry had just been investigating arrived and were in the process of stealing valuables when a security guard attempted to stop them. Just before they could shoot him, Barry saved him and went after the robbers, only to lose consciousness along the way.
After his fainting, this prompted the S. Labs scientists to investigate Barry's recent weaknesses. After a run at a "Cisco'd" treadmill , it was discovered that Barry had acute hypoglycemia, a condition that Barry developed because of his sped-up metabolism and could be remedied by a more extensive meal plan.
Joe then arrived at the lab and called him out for his unnecessary heroics. Because of this, Barry lost confidence in himself and, face to face with Danton Black , the meta-human that infiltrated the Stagg event, he realized that he did not have the ability to really go up against them. At this point, Iris was still trying to get Barry to tell her what was going on with him. Just when he had momentarily quit his association with Wells and the others, Iris revealed that her new journalism topic would be his alter-ego, who has been dubbed the "red streak" by citizens.
Caitlin then called Barry back to S. Labs and told him of a way to defeat Black. Joe then arrived to convince Barry to go after him.
Barry did and followed Danton to Stagg Industries, where he intended to kill Stagg once and for all. With a pep talk from those at the Lab, including Joe, Barry was able to isolate the real Danton from the hundreds of clones and put him down.
When Danton momentarily regained consciousness, he attacked Barry only to miss and hit the window. Barry tried to save him from falling but Danton, not wanting to be saved, summoned up an extra hand to pull himself from Barry's grip and fell, much to Barry's disappointment.
Later, Barry commended the group at the lab, who then fully supported Barry's city-saving, even Caitlin, and made amends with Joe. Barry went to the movies with Iris when Cisco and Caitlin informed him of a car chase. Using his speed Barry quickly stopped the robber and returned before Iris knew he was gone. The next day Barry and Joe investigated the death of the Darbinyan crime family. Noting that as the victims were poisoned with gas they would have all died at the same time, yet some of them had time to move.
This led to Barry realizing that they were dealing with another meta-human who could control gas. Labs, Joe brought up the topic of finding a suitable prison for meta-humans. Wells and Cisco decided that the particle accelerator would be the best place to hold them until they could cure them of their powers. Seeing her distress, Barry offered for Caitlin to help him run tests on the poison gas they'd procured.
Hearing of the murder of Theresa Howard on the police radio, Barry left despite Caitlin's pleas. Arriving at the scene, Barry found himself too late and angrily chased after the meta-human. Before he could fight him, the man transformed into gas and forced Barry to inhale him. Rushing back to S. Labs, the team was able to painfully extract the gas with a needle. Despite being told to rest, Barry went to talk to Joe and confide in him about his inability to save the judge.
He went on to mention his temptation to break his father out of jail, though Joe reasoned that his father would simply be a fugitive, and despite his abilities, Barry would never be able to save everyone.
Later Barry apologized to Caitlin for worrying her, only for Caitlin to reveal that what he had said to her were the same last words Ronnie said before he died. Barry decided to help her overcome her fear of walking into the particle accelerator. After finding peace, she thanked Barry and the two embraced. Wells and Cisco soon called them up and revealed that a sedative was also found in the gas.
Barry told Cisco to check if anyone was executed on the night of the particle accelerator, as the two chemicals were used when executing death-row inmates. They identified the meta-human to be Kyle Nimbus , a hit-man for the Darbinyan crime family; the family had turned on Nimbus, leading him to be arrested by Joe West and prosecuted by Judge Theresa Howard.
Barry quickly suited up and headed to Iron Heights prison, saving Joe who was visiting Barry's father. Barry then went after The Mist , as Cisco proudly nicknamed him, defeating him by tiring him out his fatigue would have forced him to revert to his human form eventually.
Barry later visited his father and confided in him that he missed his mother. Henry comforted him by telling him the story of how he learned to walk. Barry realized that to honor his mother he had to continue running, as he had always done. Barry trained the speed of his mind by multitasking by playing a game of chess with Harrison Wells, a game of Operation with Caitlin, and a game of table tennis with Cisco. Barry defeated Cisco and Caitlin but made a mistake which caused him to lose against Wells.
Soon after, they had an alert of a bank robbery, to which Barry responded to quickly. At the scene, Barry managed to unmask Leonard Snart , the leader of his crew. After a guard was shot, Barry quickly rushed him to St. Andrews Hospital and quickly returned to the scene for work. When Captain Singh noted that a guard said there were three robbers, Barry corrected him to four, though he quickly justified his reasoning as it had to have been a four-man job.
After Singh sarcastically thanked Barry for his insight, Joe asked if Barry saw anything that could help the case, to which Barry told Joe he saw one of them unmasked. At the precinct, Barry quickly identified Snart and learned that Snart's father was a dirty cop. Barry attempted to convince her to stop with the blog as it only brings crazies and trolls, but failed.
Barry was shocked when he saw Felicity in his lab at the police station. He caught up with Felicity and he learned Felicity listened to his entire conversation with Oliver on the rooftop. Barry showed Felicity his powers and brought her to S. Barry showed his powers again, using the treadmill where Barry attempted to show off by running backwards, though he failed When Barry brought Felicity to Jitters, he was invited by Iris to join her and Eddie at Trivia Night and to bring Felicity.
When Iris asked why Barry wasn't dating Felicity who she claimed to be the perfect girl for him, Barry stated that they were only friends. At trivia night, Barry and Felicity answered a majority of questions correctly. Iris then pushed Barry to ask Felicity out again, assuming Felicity was very interested in Barry based on how she dressed. After Snart was spotted, Barry left and had Felicity cover for him, though she had no excuse that could work for him.
Barry arrived in time to save Joe and a few others but due to the fact he was struck by the cold gun when saving Joe, he was slowed down and failed to save a security guard. Barry later was furious at Cisco for building the weapon which caused the death of a man.
Barry felt betrayed as he was never notified of such a weapon, and this meant he was unprepared. Barry quickly learned Cisco originally made the gun to be used on him, had he gone uncontrollable. After the team tracked Snart, Barry decided to take him on his own and turn off all communications. When Barry confronted Snart, Snart noted that Barry's weakness was his altruism; his need to always save others, rather than going after the villain.
Snart froze the wheels of the train, causing it to derail as he fled. Barry, having no choice, managed to rescue all passengers though he was attacked by Snart. Labs , Barry said his goodbyes to Felicity, though he later chased after her and hopped on her train. The two had a conversation about relationships before sharing a kiss. Barry was hanging out with Cisco, Caitlin, Iris, and Eddie at a bar where he discovered that because of his high metabolism he could not get drunk.
Suddenly an explosion was reported at a building Barry raced over to see a window washer about to fall, thinking of no other way to save him Barry asked Cisco and Caitlin how fast he would need to go to run up a building. They told him that if he moved at extremely fast speeds he would be fine but must maintain his speed on the way down or risk serious injury.
Barry rescued the man but was seen by Iris; blurring his face so she wouldn't recognize him, he quickly left. Later as police investigated, Barry informed Joe that he could find no bomb casing. Searching through the files using his powers Barry found some information that pertained to the incident.
Back at the police station Barry was told by Joe to give the military everything they had on the case. Barry handed the files over but, using his speed, managed to snatch one file from them.
Joe told him to consult with the crew at S. R labs. At the lab Barry told them of what happened. Wells was familiar with Wade Eiling, the general leading the investigation. Wells explained that he worked with Wade to develop gene therapies for soldiers while Wells was more concerned over its benefit to civilians, only for him to sever their partnership when he found out Eiling's plans to develop mind-reading abilities for interrogation purposes.
Cisco went through the army's digital records where they discovered the culprit was a woman named Bette Sans Souci, a bomb specialist for the army. Barry found Bette at her last known address however when tried to take her in, contact with her caused his clothes to begin to detonate. Bette told Barry to get out of his clothes before they exploded which he did, just barely escaping the blast. Labs Barry told a distraught Cisco about the suit and revealed to the others she was a meta-human.
Joe came to him and asked Barry why he didn't tell him Iris saw him the other night. Barry told him she caught him off guard so Joe told him to tell Iris to stop blogging about him. Barry begged Iris to stop but she refused, claiming that he himself had wanted to know about the impossible since they were young. Barry noted that she wasn't even putting her name on it; Iris told Barry only to talk to her when he was ready to tell her the truth about why he was being so skeptical.
Cisco and Caitlin called and told him that Bette was spotted at the location of the surgeon who experimented on her. Barry arrived just in time to save Bette from being captured. Labs the others told Bette of how the Particle Accelerator explosion and how it changed her. As they examined her Caitlin discovered a tracked inside her graze wound when the army attacked her, leading Wade right to S. The others quickly got her out while Wells stalled Wade.
Outside while testing her abilities, Bette asked Barry if the others had tried to help him find a cure. Barry told her how a friend once told him that the bolt struck him for a reason and now because of it he can help people.
Joe called and told Barry that Iris put her name on her blog. Barry confronted her as the Flash and told her to stop writing about him. Iris revealed that to him that she was writing to help Barry prove that the impossible does exist.
Barry arrived at S. Labs where the others revealed to him and Bette that curing her was at the moment impossible. Barry suggested that she join their team but the others pointed out that Bette's powers were too destructive and could put them all in danger, despite Barry pointing out she was the first meta-human they encountered who was not a criminal or a person who deliberately used their powers to hurt others. Back at his lab in the police station Barry met up with Joe. He told him that by visiting Iris as the Flash he found out that Iris was only writing about him to help.
Barry pointed out that the only way to get Iris to stop was to tell her the truth claiming he told her everything only for Joe to reveal he knew Barry had feelings for Iris since he was a child and noted that Barry has not told Iris his feelings about her.
Barry claimed it didn't matter since she was already dating Eddie but Joe told him that when fate wants something to happen, whether it be him getting hit by the bolt that gave him his powers or getting two people to fall in love, it works things out. Labs the others told Barry that Bette had left without saying where she was going. When they finally found her about to engage Eiling and his men, Barry rushed to her location before she could kill him.
As Barry talked her out of killing Eiling, the general shot her killing her. As her body began to detonate the others told Barry to get her remains out of the city.
Barry asked them how fast he would have to go to run on water. The team guessed about miles per hour but told him he must escape the blast once he dropped her. Barry did and just barely managed to outrun the shock wave. Later as Eiling covered up the incident Barry expressed disappointment, as Eiling had killed Bette in cold blood right in front of him and yet they could do nothing to him. Caitlin tried to comfort him telling him that running on water put him in interesting "company".
Back at Joe's house Barry told Iris about his situation with Bette without telling her the specific details and asked her one more time to stop writing about The Streak. Iris once again refused, forcing Barry to tell her that they should not talk to each other for a while. Later Barry visited Iris once again as The Streak and tried to convince her to stop writing about him.
However she ignored his request and instead tried to find out more about him. She then asked what she should call him with Barry claiming anything would be better than "The Streak". Their conversation was cut short when they heard sirens. Rushing to the crime Barry saved a kid who was about to be run over by the culprit. Cutting the criminal off, Barry discovered he was a meta-human when the man ripped the door off of the Humvee he had stolen and threw it at him.
Barry dodged this and attacked the man, only for his skin to turn into a steel like substance, resulting in Barry injuring his hand and the man brutally back handing him. Beaten, Barry escaped but not before the criminal told him that he was "born to take a beating", a phrase that seemed familiar to him. R Labs, Barry passed out on the floor. Caitlin examined his injuries and told him he had various fractures, a concussion, and a bruised spleen, the injuries being so severe that Caitlin told him even with his healing abilities it would take a couple hours for him to recover.
Barry then told them about the meta-human's abilities, and asked how he was supposed to fight a man made of steel. Wells and the team assured him that they would find a way. The next day Barry reported to the Central City Police Department, where he confirmed with Joe that the metal man was indeed a meta-human. Joe told Barry that he was putting him and Eddie on the case so that Barry could explain to Eddie what he saw.
After the meeting, Barry and Eddie ran into Iris. Eddie asks Barry what's going on between Iris and him, not knowing that Barry was avoiding Iris but Barry told him everything was fine. Labs, Barry was introduced to a girder dummy built by Cisco so Barry could learn the right speed to take down Tony Woodward. Barry was easily defeated and dislocated his shoulder in the process.
Shortly after, he was called by Eddie who had found the missing Humvee. Barry responded and as he arrived, Eddie recommended that he should get a car. Eddie then asked what's happening between him and Iris again where Barry revealed they had a fight.
After questioning a few men at the brewery, one man ran, Barry and Eddie chasing him. Barry ran in front of the two, where the man punched Barry though it slowed him down enough for Eddie to take the man down. They then learn that Tony supposedly died in an accident, though they revealed to the man that he lived.
Barry visited Iris at Jitters again where he told her that Tony is an example of why she should stop blogging about him. As the cops arrived, Barry ran off to Tony's hideout. Barry was easily defeated by Tony and rendered unconscious. After he was brought back to S. Labs, he was yelled at by Harrison Wells who reminded him that they were still finding a way to stop him. Barry was then told that they had found a way to stop Tony and that is to hit him at mph. At the precinct, Barry and Eddie discussed being victims of bullying as kids, while blowing off steam using a punching bag.
They were soon told that Iris was missing and the two quickly rushed to help. After learning a fire alarm went off at his old elementary school, Barry quickly realized that was where Tony and Iris were. Barry fought Tony but was once again defeated. Barry then ran away from the school, 5. Barry then greeted an incarcerated Tony, revealing his identity and told him that the particle accelerator made them who they truly were.
After walking away from the makeshift prison, Barry celebrated as he had finally had his revenge on Tony. Barry then greeted Iris at Jitters and the two reconcile. When Iris told Barry more about "The Streak", she told him how he comes and goes in the blink of an eye, and Barry interrupted her saying he does it in "A Flash". Barry went for an early morning coffee run at Jitters, though a trainee was working that morning.
After a woman complained about it, Barry sped past and got everyone their coffee and left a large tip for the trainee. As he left Jitters, a man grabbed him and asked for his wallet. Barry laughed at the man, as he chose him out of everyone else in the city.
Barry proceeded to take a majority of the man's clothes off and brought a police officer to him as he ran away. Barry later was called to a crime scene where a man was burned to death. Joe said Barry had to ID him though Eddie asked how Barry was going to do so with the man's face melted off.
Barry then bragged about his "mad skills". Barry then brought the photo of the man to S. Labs, where they managed to ID the man as Casey Donahue. Shortly after, the man's ID was used at an electrical plant, which Barry quickly responded to.
When Barry arrived, he encountered Farooq Gibran , a meta-human who has the ability to drain electricity. Barry made a few attempts to avoid his attacks though he was soon struck by Farooq.
Barry later tried to run away, though to his surprise, he had lost his super speed. Labs, they had tested him on the treadmill, though to everyone's surprise, Barry ran slow, even for a normal person. Barry warned Barry about the meta-human who siphoned his abilities and killed the man.
Barry later bumped into William Tockman at the precinct, who had complimented him for his watch. Labs, they managed to identify the meta-human who shortly arrived at the lab, demanding to see Harrison Wells. Wells shortly told Barry that they could try jump starting him to regain his speed which Barry quickly agrees to. When Farooq broke into the lab, Barry tried to talk sense into him but Farooq only struck Barry. Cisco managed to close the doors to hold Farooq off for a short while.
Barry and Caitlin then went to the treadmill to jump-start his powers. When Cisco turned the power back on, Caitlin was hesitant to follow through as she was afraid he would die. Barry told Caitlin that if she doesn't follow through they would all die. When Caitlin made an attempt to jump start Barry, they learned that it had failed. Barry and Caitlin then witnessed Tony get defeated by Farooq.
Barry asked what he was doing outside of the prison where Tony reminded him he never steps away from a fight. Tony then told Barry and Caitlin to get out as Tony died. Barry was then furious at Wells, who had used Tony to buy some time.
They then noticed that Barry's cells were still regenerating though Barry still didn't have his speed. Cisco and Caitlin then believed the reason he had yet to regain his speed was because it was mental and he didn't believe enough.
When they made an attempt to escape the lab, they were attacked by Farooq. Wells then finally faced Farooq. When Farooq attacked Wells, Barry finally believed enough to regain his speed and save Wells. Barry faced Farooq once more but this time he has connected to his powers and the energy overwhelmed Farooq, killing him. Barry then rushed to the precinct, worrying that something had happened to Iris. He was relieved when he saw her safe in Joe's arms. After they locked up Farooq's body, Caitlin noticed that Barry's cells were regenerating faster than before.
Barry payed Eddie a visit at the hospital. After Iris left to grab a coffee, Barry briefly left and had a conversation with Iris as the Flash. Barry then told Iris he would never be late again and that Iris is worth being on time for. Barry then ran off and returned to Eddie's hospital room. Barry arrived at a bank that Roy Bivolo was robbing, only to find everyone attacking each other.
Barry managed to save a man from being shot just as everyone began to recover. When Joe and a few other police arrived at the scene, Barry suggested to Joe that the people were "whammied".
At the precinct, Barry learned that Eddie finally believed the Flash's existence though he learned Eddie believes he's a menace. Barry proceeded to steal Captain Singh's lunch as he went to S. Labs to discuss the new meta-human. Shortly after, Iris called him out through her blog. Before Barry left, Caitlin told him not to get involved in Iris and Eddie's relationship as he would be responsible for their breakup.
When Barry arrived at Jitters, he told Iris his name was Ralph. Barry was warned by Iris that Eddie was pushing to get him behind bars. Barry managed to get to the storage facility Roy was hiding at before Joe and two other police officers could be killed. Barry was then greeted by Oliver, who had arrived in time to injure a "whammied" police officer. Barry then raced to the barn Oliver, Felicity, and Diggle were hiding at.
When he arrived, he bragged how he gave Oliver a half an hour head start, yet still beat him. Barry asked the three what they were doing in Central City where he learned they were investigating a homicide which possibly connected to Central City, due to the material of the boomerang used to kill.
Barry suggested that the two teams should work together, though Oliver refused as he didn't want anymore people in on his secret. Barry then carried Felicity and took her to S. Labs as she volunteered to go help. Barry was later told by Harrison and Joe not to trust Oliver as they feared he was too dangerous. Barry was then asked by Iris how he knew Oliver Queen.
She then sarcastically said that Oliver's arms were twice the size of his and told him that Oliver was on her top 3 cheat list. Barry was then glad when Oliver decided to work along with him. The following day, Barry arrived late for the training, despite his speed. Barry was told by Oliver that he always ran in blind and he has a lot to learn. Barry was told to run a distance and run back where he'd get shot by an arrow where Barry told Oliver he wasn't going to be shot.
Barry proved him wrong by catching the arrow though he was struck in the back by 2 bolts which Oliver had set up. The training went bad for Bart, but surprisingly it was Jessie who cracked the code to help him master the channeling of the speed force: she turned the training into a competitive games.
Two years later, Cisco surprised them for their birthday by presenting them their training suits which had decals added to become full costumes Of course, this was a big surprise to Bart as he had already planned on calling himself "Impulse" but being "Kid Flash" was like a prize that he couldn't resist. Bart took the name, but when he heard Wally hadn't figured out his own new codename, Bart insisted he call himself "Impulse" so that when Wally become the new Flash, Bart could take the Impulse name back Earth Wiki Explore.
Popular Pages. Operator Files Batwave Files. Recent Blog Posts. Explore Wikis Community Central. He's much younger than that.
I don't think he looks it but it would logically make sense if he was to the public i don't like this either because in one of the early issues of impulse max mercury said something about bart being very careful with his secret identity and to act like an average 14 year old. Please Log In to post.
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