However, to get you money as soon as possible, we will pay you the minimum amount you are eligible for after you are approved and you submit your first weekly claim.
Any money you missed will be paid. Apply for regular unemployment. Important Updates and Alerts 7. Unemployed Worker Handbook eServices user guide. Application confirmation Submit weekly claim Job search requirements Benefits decision Benefit denials, appeals Estimate your benefit When payments begin Sign up for direct deposit Sign up for debit card Update your information Unemployed Worker Handbook Restart your claim Benefit Year End.
Overpayments Identifying unemployment scams Handbook for unemployed workers Request your unemployment records Layoff assistance for workers. Information for unemployed workers.
If you were getting PUA benefits, the week ending Sept. Apply for regular unemployment benefits, even though you may not qualify for them. Federal law requires this. Apply for PUA. File weekly claims to get paid. Step 1: Apply for regular unemployment. Key information: Create an account or check to see if you already have one. Watch the tutorial on this page to avoid common issues that could delay your benefits. Move to Step 2 if your application for regular benefits is denied. For some this will be immediate.
For others it may take a few weeks. You could be eligible for an alternate base year claim if you do not have the required hours of work in your regular base year.
The base year for an alternate base year claim is the last four completed calendar quarters before the week in which you file your claim. You must have hours of work in the alternate base year and still meet all of the other eligibility requirements. This chart helps determine how much you may get if you report partial earnings during a week.
Important Updates and Alerts 7. Unemployed Worker Handbook eServices user guide. Application confirmation Submit weekly claim Job search requirements Benefits decision Benefit denials, appeals Estimate your benefit When payments begin Sign up for direct deposit Sign up for debit card Update your information Unemployed Worker Handbook Restart your claim Benefit Year End.
Overpayments Identifying unemployment scams Handbook for unemployed workers Request your unemployment records Layoff assistance for workers. Information for unemployed workers. When will I know my weekly benefit amount? Non-seasonally adjusted data for each county are published the following Tuesday.
How can someone apply for unemployment benefits? Why are the telephone and computer the only options? Workers who lose their job through no fault of their own can apply for unemployment benefits online 24 hours a day or by phone.
The claims center phone line is When they reopen after COVID health-safety restrictions can be lifted, telephones and computers are available at all WorkSource employment centers.
Telephone and the Internet are the primary options for filing unemployment claims because they allow us to provide higher-quality and generally faster customer service. When we used to provide this service at local offices, customers often had to wait in lines for several hours. We also use a standard script on the phone and online that allows us to capture accurate information faster. This results in a shorter application process and gets benefits to unemployed workers faster.
How are unemployment benefits calculated? What are the highest, lowest and average benefit amounts? Unemployment benefits are calculated based on earnings. To calculate the benefit amount:. The base year is the first four of the last five calendar quarters.
To be eligible for benefits, a person must have worked at least hours during his or her base year and must have lost a job through no fault of his or her own. There are few exceptions to this general rule. For example, victims of domestic violence or stalking who voluntarily leave work to protect themselves or their families also may be eligible for unemployment benefits.
Individuals who leave their jobs because the spouse or domestic partner is transferred also may be eligible for benefits. These individuals must work as long as they can before the transfer. Are people who own their own businesses eligible for unemployment benefits?
Individuals who own a business or are members of limited partnerships or limited liability companies are not eligible for unemployment benefits. Corporate officers are covered by unemployment insurance unless the corporation exempts the officers from coverage by January Only certain officers are eligible to be exempted. Officers cannot get unemployment benefits if they own at least 10 percent of the business or are related to another corporate officer who owns at least 10 percent of the business.
See the Corporate officer requirements fact sheet for more information. Note: Under legislation adopted in , the corporate-officer law will change at the start of The fact sheet will be updated by fall of What are the requirements to remain on unemployment?
People who collect unemployment must be able to work, available for work and actively seeking suitable work.