Yes, Greek should be capitalized. No it shouldn't be capitalized. It is not typically capitalized. Yes Capitalized. Yes, it should be capitalized. Log in. Punctuation and Capitalization. See Answer. Best Answer. No, "museum" should not be capitalized unless it is part of the name of a specific museum: He asked me whether I would rather go to a play or to a museum. Study guides. Q: Should the word museum be capitalized? Write your answer Related questions. Should the word Will be capitalized?
Does the word 'museum' be capitalized in a sentence? Should word be capitalized in the bible? Should the words art museum be capitalized in a sentence? Should second word in hyphenated phrase be capitalized? Should the word do get capitalized in a title? Should the word Sunday after a word be capitalized? Should the word Americans be capitalized? Avery, Professor Emeritus.
Search for the formal degree name in the catalog and capitalize accordingly. For alums just capitalize their degree as told. In running text, capitalize full titles of institutions and departments. Use lowercase for partial titles:. Capitalize the official names of buildings. Use official names of campus buildings in formal campus publications.
Refer to the University Building Names list. Use lowercase for incomplete building names unless the word begins a sentence or is a formal name:.
Capitalize specially designated rooms: Grand Canyon Room. Use lowercase when only referring to a room number in running text:. Official names of academic courses are capitalized. Search the catalog for the correct course title. Use the capital letters. Add s, to indicate plurals. To avoid confusion with the word as , use the apostrophe to designate plural of the letter grade A:.
Although capitalization rules can be a bit tricky, the rules for capitalizing proper nouns are pretty straightforward. When mastering proper noun capitalization, it's also important to understand the difference between common and proper nouns. There are many examples of nouns in the English language. Not all nouns need to be capitalized. Proper nouns are always capitalized while common nouns are only capitalized if they appear at the beginning of a sentence or are part of a title.
The basic rule for capitalizing proper nouns is that the first letter of a proper noun should be capitalized no matter where it appears in a sentence or how it is being used. In addition, if a proper noun consists of multiple words, the first letter of each of the important words needs to be capitalized. The key to correctly capitalizing proper nouns lies with knowing how to identify types of proper nouns.
Any noun that refers to a specific rather than general person, place or thing is a proper noun. Proper nouns fall into a variety of different categories. There are a few tricky situations to consider related to proper noun capitalization.
Want to test your capitalization knowledge? Have a look at the sentences below. Can you spot the mistakes? Answer Key: 1 Chinese, English, Japanese ; 2.