Also a high protein diet that contains lots of red meat and higher amounts of saturated fat might lead to a higher risk of heart disease and colon cancer, while another high protein diet rich in plant-based proteins may not carry similar risks.
It's hard to provide a specific answer since so much is still uncertain and the experts themselves don't agree. New information could change our thinking about the maximum safe amount, but until we know more about the safety, risks and benefits of high protein diets, this seems like a reasonable recommendation.
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Get helpful tips and guidance for everything from fighting inflammation to finding the best diets for weight loss Stay on top of latest health news from Harvard Medical School. Recent Blog Articles. Cancer survivors' sleep is affected long after treatment. What to do when elective surgery is postponed. What happened to trusting medical experts? Stuttering in children: How parents can help. Evoking calm: Practicing mindfulness in daily life helps.
Finding balance: 3 simple exercises to steady your steps. Supplements can help you accelerate your muscle-building results once you have your protein intake and training nailed. This daily protein target can help you focus on body recomposition, or gradually burning fat and building muscle , while focusing on your health.
Here are the next steps on your journey to customize your nutrition:. A well-designed program is an essential part of staying motivated and seeing results. Here are some of our most popular programs from BodyFit:. Supplements can help you accelerate your results and support your training once you have your protein target and training in place. Chris Lockwood, Ph. First time tracking your protein?
Or not sure which goal is right for you? Then start with "maintenance. Choosing "maintain current weight" will give you a protein intake of around 1 gram per pound of body weight, a target many experts recommend for overall health and athletic performance.
If you know that you're ready to lose a few pounds and you have some experience counting calories or tracking macros, select "lose weight. Why higher? Because when you're looking to lose weight, extra protein can help you control your appetite and minimize muscle loss. Many people take what sounds like a simple approach to gaining weight: Eat all the protein they can handle and train as often and as hard as possible.
This may work for a few days or weeks, but it's often tough to stick with. If this doesn't make the scale go up after a couple of weeks, you may need to add a few hundred more calories from carbs or fats—probably not more protein.
This choice should reflect the amount of activity in your life based on how you exercise and how physically active your life or job is. Nutritional researchers agree that both calorie and nutrient estimates should take more into account than just the amount you exercise.
Here's how to figure out what's right for you:. Jeor equation, which is considered by our nutritionists and dieticians to be the "gold standard" of calorie calculators. Here's how it works:. Calculate basal metabolic rate BMR , or the calories your body burns simply by being alive. This calorie count is split into macronutrient percentages in the following ratios, based on splits commonly recommended by our nutrition experts for muscle gain , weight loss , and weight maintenance.
Yes, weight gain and maintenance are the same ratio, but the calories and macros are different. Finally, your protein intake comes from applying those percentages to your daily calorie number. Each gram of protein is "worth" 4 calories. If you'd like to see your complete macros rather than just protein, use our full macro calculator. Once you have a daily protein target to aim for, the next puzzle is how to figure out what foods can help you get there each day.
What foods will work best for you depends on your dietary preferences, budget, and eating style, which is why we've collected a comprehensive list to serve every type of circumstance in the "Ultimate List of 40 High-Protein Foods.
You'll feel a whole lot better, and stick with your approach for longer, if you have a plan. The Bodybuilding. You can do this using food labels, as well as by weighing out your food on a food scale and using one of the many online nutritional databases. Weighing food may seem like a lot of counting and not much fun, but it gets easier over time. Fitness coach Vince Del Monte says in the article, "From Here to Macros: 4 Steps to Better Nutrition" that you quickly learn to "eyeball" quantities of both calories and macronutrients after just a few weeks of practice.
Adults should eat a minimum of 0. At any meal, consuming 2 to 3 ounces of cooked lean meat, poultry or fish, or half of a cup of cooked beans, is what's suggested. Portion sizes in the U. Three ounces of protein is a serving about the size of the palm of your hand, she said.
And if you get a double burger, it's 8 ounces. While eating more protein than what's recommended is not necessarily bad for you, if the excess protein in a diet is contributing to excess calories, it can contribute to weight gain. A high-protein diet may help with weight loss — but only for a little while.