How can I handle this? Did your confession trigger his hidden desire to play the field? Timing is crucial. And if a relationship is going to bud into a long-term partnership, both parties need to quell their doubts.
I often talk to couples where one partner has experienced a lot of love and sex in their teens and 20s, and is ready to make a commitment, while the other person—who has a more limited romantic past—is not. To some extent, this is about FOMO the plague of our generation, if you ask me. If this is the case, you need to ask your boyfriend if he feels the need to date and explore more. Perhaps your boyfriend believes the same thing—on a rational level. Dumb, I know, but men think this way!
Here's your chance to grab the mattress that's earned more than 5, perfect 5-star ratings. Cardigans that double as coats are the MVPs of fall and winter — and our favorites are on sale. Or resentments we are holding onto that we can't seem to let go of. When you find yourself in a situation where you are angry and upset at someone, ask yourself these 3 important questions:. Most of the time, whatever we are feeling is about us All of these things chip away at our happiness and inner peace.
And leave us in a state of conflict and suffering with the people we love most. So, the next time someone pushes your buttons and you find your blood boiling, stop And bring it back to you.
What are you willing to own? What are you willing to let go of to end the conflict? Because you can't change what other people say or do, but you can change your reaction to them. You can own your piece of it. You can choose to not allow what they are saying or doing upset you. You can see at it as a fabulous opportunity to look within and discover things about yourself you didn't even know were there.
You may even want to say "thank you" the next time someone pisses you off. That person will most likely end up being one of your greatest teachers.
News U. Politics Joe Biden Congress Extremism. Maybe you'll know why they're upset, or maybe you'll have no clue what you've done to hurt them. While you may prefer to feign ignorance and wait for happy days to come again if your partner is hurt by something you've done, research shows that tackling the issue head-on is usually the best course of action.
Please note that this article is not about the hurts caused by emotional or physical abuse. If you are in an abusive relationship, please seek professional and legal help asap. Don't ignore the situation or try to make a joke about it. You may not like how your partner feels, but you should still respect their feelings and show empathy. All they want is to feel understood, accepted, and cared for by you. Like you really get them. The point is to simply acknowledge their hurt feelings. When you do something that hurts your partner, whether intentionally or not, it's always best to admit what you did wrong.
If you're not clear on what you said that was hurtful, just ask. It's important to show your partner that you know you made a mistake and that you're willing to take full responsibility for your actions. This means avoiding annoying phrases like, "I'm sorry if you were hurt" or "I'm sorry you were upset.
Instead, take responsibility for the hurtful things you said or did. Here are some helpful phrases:. Whatever you do, don't get defensive! It will only escalate the argument or issue the two of you are dealing with. Prefacing your apology with "I don't want to sound like I'm making excuses, but So does saying something like, "I guess I shouldn't have yelled at you, but I'm really stressed.
An excuse is about not taking responsibility. It's meant to deflect the blame to someone or something else. For example, "I guess I shouldn't have yelled at you, but I'm really stressed," is just an excuse.
All it does it weaken your apology. On the other hand, an explanation like this one gives context: "I've been under a lot of stress, but that's not an excuse for yelling.
While it's important to ask for forgiveness , keep in mind that your partner may not be ready. Think carefully about what you can do to make things right.