Implantation: Once the fertilized egg successfully reaches the uterus, it implants on the uterine wall. Within three to four weeks, the increase in hCG will show up on a pregnancy test and the woman will realize that she is pregnant. Fetal Development: Within the uterus, the placenta and embryo begin to grow. Over the next few months, the brain, spinal cord and organs start to develop.
At eight weeks of age, the embryo officially becomes a fetus. Quit Smoking: Smoking lowers fertility in men and women. It also increases the chances of damage to the fetus in pregnant woman and heightens the risks of a miscarriage. Protect Sperm: For the best chances of conceiving, men need to have a high sperm count. Avoiding saunas, hot tubs, hot showers and close-fitting underwear will help men to keep their sperm levels up. Watch Your Weight: A healthy weight and solid exercise routine will help you to become pregnant.
Track Your Ovulation: For the best chances of becoming pregnant, you have to have sex during times when you are ovulating. Start having sex three days before ovulation and continue until your basal temperature goes back to normal. Watch Out for Harmful Exposure: Chemicals, toxins and environmental contaminants can decrease your chances of becoming pregnant. Common toxins are found in printing presses, dry cleaners, agricultural pesticides and cleaning agents. To have the best chance of becoming pregnant, you need to avoid all sources of chemicals and environmental contaminants.
Have More Sex: Although you can track ovulation and be somewhat accurate, it is always possible that your body could release an egg at any time of the month. When a woman is pregnant, the cervical canal is sealed by a cervical mucus plug that protects the baby during pregnancy and prevents the entrance of anything that could damage the baby.
Keeping this in mind, sperm are unable to enter the uterus, so their journey ends in the vagina. Most of them will just leak out after ejaculation, while a small percentage might remain there and die within a few days.
Depending on the conditions outside the body, sperm can live from a few minutes to 20 minutes approximately. However, factors such as smoking, air pollution, alcohol, anabolic steroids, STDs , etc. After ejaculation, that is, once the sperm enter the vagina, their lifespan is about 2 to 5 days on average. The most powerful ones will die along the journey, though. After fertilization, both the dead and live sperm that could not fertilize the egg will be eliminated by means of phagocytosis i.
It can take about 45 minutes to 12 hours for a sperm to reach the Fallopian tubes and meet the egg. The fastest sperm are, however, able to reach the egg within 30 minutes approximately, depending on the quality of the sperm. Identical twins are formed when a single egg cell is fertilized by a single sperm cell, and the resulting embryo divides into two halves. Conversely, with non-identical or fraternal twins, two eggs are fertilized by two sperm, thereby creating two genetically unique fetuses that will not be more alike than siblings that are born at different times.
The ultimate goal of the competition is to meet the egg, join it, and give raise to a new cell, which will end with the delivery of a baby 9 months later. In this sense, if you want to learn what happens after fertilization and embryo implantation , we recommend that you visit this post: Pregnancy Stages by Month — Fetal Development with Pictures.
Also, I suggest that you read the following article to know when and how does sperm production occur prior to the beginning of the journey we have just talked about: When Do Sperm Appear during the Process of Spermatogenesis? Our editors have made great efforts to create this content for you. By sharing this post, you are helping us to keep ourselves motivated to work even harder. Austin CR. Observations on the penetration of the sperm in the mammalian egg.
Aust J Sci Res B. Bennett M. The existential decision of a sperm, Cell 49, no. Chang MC. Fertilizing capacity of spermatozoa deposited into the fallopian tubes. J Clin Invest. Lennart Nilsson, A portrait of the sperm. In: The functional anatomy of the spermatozoan, ed. Bjorn A. Afzelius New York: Pergamon, , Martin E. The egg and the sperm: how science has constructed a romance-based on stereotypical male-female roles. Published by: The University of Chicago Press.
Sperm-egg fusion: events at the plasma membrane. J Cell Sci. Paul M. Wassarman, The biology and chemistry of fertilization, Science , No. Wassarman, Fertilization in mammals, Scientific American , no. FAQs from users: 'How can ovulation be calculated so that the sperm and egg meet?
And when do men expel the so-called pre-ejaculatory fluid? I want to know it because then my boyfriend and I will be able to use the pull-out method more accurately. Firstly, the pull-out method, coitus interruptus , or withdrawal method is not a safe birth control method because it does not prevent you from the transmission of STDs sexually transmitted diseases and HIV infection AIDs. Besides, it is actually an extremely unreliable method.
Apart from that, there are several theories about why pre-ejaculatory fluid exists, none of them proved. While some say the only function of this fluid is providing some lubrication for intercourse, others believe they protect the sperm by acting as a sort of pre-clearing of the urethra, making the environment more conductive for sperm to survive the journey and lowering the acidity. Sperm tend to branch out at this point, some gravitating to the left and others to the right.
Now, with about half the competitors as before, sperm must power to the finish line in time. Only the most resilient sperm reach the egg and even the ones that do must cross another hurdle before they can reach their final destination. Every egg is covered with a tough outer layer and hundreds of sperm engage in a race to see who can penetrate first.
When one sperm finally does manage to achieve fertilisation, the egg immediately experiences chemical changes that block other sperm from entering. Then, the chromosomes in the egg and sperm combine, giving rise to a zygote. The zygote divides repeatedly over the next few hours and days.
It gradually rolls down through the fallopian tube, reaching the uterine cavity about a week later as a cell ball. The zygote now implants itself into the uterine lining, going on to develop into a baby. You can also join our Cloudnine Community to discuss and get more information about - Aspiring Parents , Fertility Treatments.
Want to consult a Doctor? Book Video Consultation Online with the best gynecologist in India. As frenzied as the fertilisation process is, it marks the beginning of a chapter that will unfold page by page over the next nine months.
By being in the know of how fertilisation works, you can stay better prepared in planning your family. Explore Cloudnine Momeaze for all your shopping needs with wide range of products. Want to consult the best gynecologists in India? Please find the links below. Want to consult the best Maternity Packages in India?
Request A Callback Fill in your details and our team will get back to you shortly. About Pregnancy. Recent Articles. Week Your baby is now the size of an acorn squash! After the sperm penetrates the egg, the egg immediately undergoes a chemical reaction that prevents other sperm from penetrating. Chromosomes carried by the sperm and the egg then come together, and the egg is officially fertilized.
Swallowed semen does not come into contact with the vagina, and by the time women urinate or have a bowel movement containing the remnants of the semen, it is impossible for it to get them pregnant. Women can only get pregnant from penile-vaginal contact when semen enters the vagina or another reproductive organ. How many sperm do you need to get pregnant? On average, each time men ejaculate they release nearly million sperm.
For the most part, yes, the components that make up semen are safe to ingest. Swallowed semen is digested in the same way as food. This is also known as human seminal plasma hypersensitivity HSP. How much sperm does it take? In theory, a single sperm is all it takes to get pregnant.
But even in a large amount of semen — such as the quantity in one ejaculation — only a fraction of the sperm are healthy, moving, and sufficiently well-formed to cause a pregnancy. Skip to content. Search for:.