Does anyone die in the help

He or she will be picked up by friends, family, Spirit Guides, and Angels on the other side. Someone who is in the process of dying is welcomed by loved ones on the other side and transitioned over. Thus, even if you are afraid of 'letting' someone die alone — consider for a moment that maybe they've asked someone special to help them from the other side. It is common for a spouse who has crossed over to come through in a reading, and promise this gift to their wife or husband — that when they cross over, they will greet them when they are ready to leave their body.

I often see hands outstretched and have even noticed Spirits in the room of a loved one, waiting to pick them up when they are ready. It is not uncommon for dying people to see visions and identify friends and relatives who they think are still living , and I think that is part of this. Cats, dogs, and others will see the friends they have in the non-physical as they get ready to cross, as well.

Many people transition into Spirit immediately and, at the same time, that their physical body releases them. Others will leave their bodies before or after their actual physical departure.

For those who experience traumatic physical exits, prolonged processes of transcending, or mental loss, the Spirit tends to leave the body or comes in and out of the body before the release from the physical body. In fact, many deceased loved ones who see you are suffering at the thought of their suffering have come back to say,.

I actually left my body right before things changed, and I was right there with you, by your side. A space immediately after crossing over, and is often on a level within the spiritual realm, but right before entry is available for all.

Some people call this a holding place, but it really isn't. It's a place where the Spirit can go to rest and recuperate from their life on Earth and from their process of dying. Being in the rest space does not mean they are stuck and not crossing over, it simply means they are resting and will transition fully when they are ready.

Usually, what happens here is other Healing Spirits work on their soul before they fully transcend. They release any pain bodies the Spirit is holding onto before being freed from it all. When a loved one completes the transition of death, and after they rest from their journey, the Spirit now takes time to reflect and review their time on Earth.

This period of reflection can take a few weeks to years, with the average Spirit spending six months to one year in reflection of their life on Earth.

This period is called the life review and is essential to the crossing over process. During this time, your loved one is surrounded by Spirit Guides and Angels usually 3 to 7 of them and begins to review their life and the lessons they were meant to learn while on Earth. They are shown all the positive impacts they made on Earth first. Starting from birth and extending to death, the recently deceased will see everything playback to them as though on a giant movie screen, projector, or film strip.

They usually show this to me as a small, personal movie theater. They see all their experiences through their own perspective, they also see their experiences through the lens of every other being that was involved.

So if someone was hurt, they gain a new understanding of this as well. That is all it is — a review of Earth and your experiences. These days hospice teams help people die in their own homes too. Most people end up in a bed in an overstretched hospital where doctors committed to saving lives sometimes struggle with helping those whose lives are ending.

Surveys show bereaved relatives are a lot less happy with the care their loved one receives while dying in hospital than at home or in a hospice. Part of that, says Munro, is because they do not get the care they need too. Hospices look after the bereft as well as the dying. That's often why the people who are left report these things in a very traumatised way," she says. Friends and relatives will remember vividly the bad times, when the patient was in pain, even if it lasted a short while and was then relieved.

Most people say they would like to die at home, and most people do not get the chance. Munro says there can be too rosy a picture of what death at home does mean. You can make as many birth plans as you like, but things don't always work out like that. The Sue Ryder charity, which provides hospice care in 13 centres and the community, also actively teaches doctors how to raise the difficult subject with their patients. In his part of Leicestershire palliative care in the community is well established.

The NHS is brilliant in the way it responds when it goes well, but it has to be known in advance," he says. Some drift into unconsciousness in the last days, barely eating and drinking, sleeping more and more until they no longer wake up.

When people are dying, Palace explains, blood pressure drops and they are getting less oxygen to their organs. The body responds by gasping for air in a futile attempt to increase their respiratory rate. Doctors refer to this as air hunger. The body as a whole may be dead, but certain parts within are still alive. The brain is the first organ to begin to break down, and other organs follow suit.

Living bacteria in the body, particularly in the bowels, play a major role in this decomposition process, or putrefaction.

This decay produces a very potent odor. There may be a scientific explanation to the notion of your life flashing before your eyes. A study from the University of Michigan found that dying rats displayed high levels of brain waves shortly after their hearts stopped beating. Researchers believe the finding could have implications for humans and possibly explain the near-death experiences many cardiac arrest survivors report. Consciousness may continue after death. There is little scientific research available that tells us what happens to the mind after death, but a study may offer some insight.

Of those who survived, were surveyed about their near-death experiences, and 39 percent reported feeling some kind of awareness while being resuscitated. This sense of awareness included feelings of peacefulness and a sensation that time slowed down or sped up.


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