Why is species richness hard to quantify

Declines in richness are uncommon in nature. If a species moves out of a habitat or goes extinct, one or more species will often move into a habitat to take its place. Climate change allows for the rapid expansion of many ranges, meaning some species will be counted across many new areas and make up for species that are lost in a mathematical sense , so long as new species are arriving at a rate higher than extinction levels. Changes in dominant species is not measured with a species richness approach.

Global landscapes can become more homogenized without reflecting a change in species counts. Comparing regions in a meaningful way is difficult with the one-dimensional species richness data. It is key that long-term temporal research be conducted, and with consistency across study designs, in order to extract long-term trends from the more short-term changes seen in biodiversity data.

Share this: Twitter Facebook. Like this: Like Loading Previous post Herbert on study design in ecology. Box 1. Ecological Indicators and Biodiversity. Criteria for Effective Ecological Indicators. Box 2. Economic Costs and Benefits of Ecosystem Conversion. Concepts and Measures of Poverty. Box 3. Box 4. Box 5. Figure 3. Species Extinction Rates. Figure 1. Biodiversity, Ecosystem Functioning, and Ecosystem Services. Asked 1 year, 4 months ago.

Active 1 year, 4 months ago. Viewed 32 times. So far I use z-transformation for every m of elevation. Improve this question. Pluviophile 2, 7 7 gold badges 15 15 silver badges 42 42 bronze badges. What is the r? You could try calculating variance inflation factors, to investigate how much any collinearity affects the model. VIF is below 2 for all variables except degree day sum which has 3.

This is not without its problems the data cannot perfectly tell apart influences of strongly correlated variables , but seems better to me than leaving elevation out of the model.

Whether your way of taking into account elevation is even better is very hard to tell, because it depends on how exactly elevation and richness are related, also from the subject matter perspective. Make sure to describe the ecosystem clearly. What are the predictions for the next 50 years and how were they derived? How will the climate changes effect living things not just humans? In addition to humans, you should address the changes, as specifically as possible on both the animal and plant communities.

Use the following terms in your essay: greenhouse gases, greenhouse effect, fertilization effect, in a manner that clearly indicates your comprehension of the terms; do not define the terms, or include them in a list of items. A borderline paper will be scored down if there are noticeable errors.

Put as much information from the chapter readings as possible and cite the text with page numbers.


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