However, I can say that maybe if you tuned in to like one or two shows and formed your opinion based on that, it would not be a just representation of all the good looking actors that Japan has to offer. When I first started watching dramas it was, and I'm aware of this now but was not at the time, the towards the beginning of the Hallyu wave and the popularity of Asian dramas in general was increasing internationally.
This was in , and I was in middle school. My first Korean drama was Full House and that of Japan was Gokusen , both basically were classics in their respective drama worlds. I was very much attracted to both male leads and started watching more of their works, so I guess in that aspect I got lucky in the beginning because I didn't have the problem of so and so is not attractive to me. However, and I'm saying this as an extremely shallow drama watcher who just loves looking at cute actors, I think sometimes it's also important to look past the outward appearances and watch the actual show.
You'll still end up enjoying yourself :. I want to know what dramas people are watching and what their usual taste is, when they make this statement. I mean are you watching dramas like Anna-san no Omame , where her overacting is obviously done on purpose for her character or are you watching something like Atashinchi no Danshi and you just think that everything is weird so you don't want to give anything else from Japan a try?
I'll have to admit that compared to Korea, Japan definitely has some more outlandish aspects to their their TV shows, but isn't that what makes them worthwhile? In the beginning of the Hallyu wave, we had dramas like My Girl and Full House where both the actors and actresses had some scenes in which they overacted. So this is why I am confused as to how Japan gets this bad rep for being t he country of bad acting. Every country does it, it's not always a bad thing, sometimes it's needed and makes the show fun.
Japan has definitely been the country to go to when you want to watch something "different", something "otherworldly". They gave us shows like Yokai Ningen Bem , Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge , and Yamada-kun to 7 nin no Majo to name a few slightly weird shows and then there are shows that people label as very strange like 49 and Oniichan Gacha.
But every person that I have spoken to has loved them both for the charm and easygoingness and the overall uniqueness of the storyline. Then again, these are TV shows, so some people just do not enjoy watching "weird" things.
However, I don't want people to have this misconception that everything Japanese is automatically "weird" and not enjoy a J-drama or two. Japan has a lot of variety for every taste and every mood.
If "weird" just isn't your taste, move on to the next show and you'll probably find something more serious or even better than the last show. Reason 3: The cinematography in J-dramas isn't up to par with K-dramas. K-dramas are definitely known for having some of the most wonderful cinematography out there in drama land, in fact I think it's their trademark.
They use beautiful filters and shoot only at the most aesthetically appealing locations, which is something that I admittedly enjoy while watching a K-drama. Japan does not spend a lot of money on TV. There isn't that much research done in English that talks about how much funds they really use on their productions and all that, but from what I've heard actors talking about in interviews and things I can make the following conclusions.
Firstly, Japan does not treat their shows or movies like Hollywood treats it's movies. They will not shut down a major area just to get a good shot or to contribute to a film, whereas I've heard that for the movie Seoul with Nagase Tomoya , they shut down many roads in Korea to film it. Secondly, Japan uses filters to enhance their visual aesthetics but not like Korea does. Korea has what I like to call this Instagram filter on all their shows where everyone's skin looks really smooth and nice and the area around them looks mystical like a fairy tale book.
Whereas Japan uses dark filters or grainy filters for their darker productions and a more saturated filter to make colors really pop so as to emphasize the fact that the world that these people live in is otherworldly not real. In fact, I think Japan has some of the shortest series I've seen out of any country that I've ever watched a television series from.
The series reboots itself as a supposedly less inflammatory teen murder-mystery that manages somehow to be boring, manipulative and toxic all at once.
But instead, the new season confirms how the series has no moral compass at all. Worse still, the most recent season is also shockingly lacking in nuance, especially as it aims to humanize Bryce, a serial rapist and bully, who has been terrorizing Liberty High since the first episode. There are some aspects of character development that do feel earned this season, especially the case of Tyler, a loner who was viciously bullied and assaulted in season two. Subscribe to our newsletter.
Power of Positivity June 16, Last modified August 26, Inspiration to your Inbox. Comments Leave a Reply Cancel reply You must be logged in to post a comment. Power of Positivity Our passion is to serve and bring the best possible positive information, news, expertise and opinions to this page.
Related Habits Read More. Jennifer Hinders. Better Life Read More. Sarah Barkley. Law of Attraction Read More. Deborah Tayloe. Related Items avoid drama behaviors of dramatic people drama dramatic people lifestyle. Power of Positivity uses cookies to give you the most relevant experience.
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These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Alejandro and Lightning made it to the finals, so why can't they do the same thing to Lindsay? All the work put into the first four seasons is now ruined. They went way too heavy on the stereotypes. They completely ruined their character, and by then, their eliminations were obvious.
They made Lindsay dumb to the point where she doesn't know how to operate a baby carriage. They made Sierra so obsessed with Cody that she hallucinates and to the point where she thinks Cameron is Cody. Then Mal puts Cameron back in his bubble. There is an even worse case of character derailment. Number 2: Sundae Muddy Sundae. It also squandered any last sliver of hope this season had to not become the worst season of Total Drama.
Gwen and Courtney have become friends again, only for Ed MacDonald to single handedly destroy their friendship. Number 1: The Final Wreck-ening.
What better way to end a crappy season than with an even crappier ending? Of all the characters they could have brought back to cameo, they ended up brining back Owen for the gazillionth time.
They leave eight campers, more than half of this season's cast of fourteen contestants, to potentially die. Camp Wawanakwa , the very birthplace of the show, is now gone as well.