But let me explain. The rise of consumerism makes people buy things no longer on a need basis. Many pursue wealth and frame. Many studies have shown that people with more money and fame are not happier than normal people. This is because greediness for luxury, entertainment, or money is incompatible with human nature, which, in actuality, pursues sustainable happiness from doing good things. Studies found that good family and relationships, meaningful work, and positive thinking make people happy, according to Joyful Days.
Therefore, humanity has to be inherently good because doing virtuous behaviors make us happy and satisfied. It should be emphasized that being inherently good does not mean people cannot make bad decisions. Some critiques point to robbers, killers, gangsters who do not feel bad for hurting others. However, according to Psychology Today, a lack of guilt and remorse is one characteristic that experts have used to diagnose psychopathy.
Therefore, they cannot be considered normal people. Also, those kinds of psychological illnesses are likely caused by external factors like child abuse or bully. Thus, they are exceptions that are invalid to prove all humans are inherently evil. When discussing this issue with my sister, she points out that people know killing animals is bad but we still eat meat and that makes us inherently evil.
I concede that killing animals is cruel. However, it is also true that humans are biologically coded to desire meat for survival. It is a physical need, rather than about moral instinct. Another person told me that wars take place because humans have an evil side. Individuals do not want to fight another nation randomly because killing others makes them happy. They are always driven by nationalism or other sentiments evoked by propaganda and yellow journalism.
Free-Range Parenting: Which is better? On a self-exploring journey. Cultivating interests and intelligence. Living the present moment. Studies suggest that holding hands with another person can immediately reduce stress and fear. A warm embrace is one of our greatest stress relievers, which is a pretty great characteristic of being human. Research shows hugging can release feel-good hormones like oxytocin in the body and lower blood pressure. Pretty remarkable. Studies show that not only do dogs care about their human owners , they see us as part of their family.
We must be doing something right as a species to receive that kind of unconditional love. Research shows that watching negative news can be detrimental to your psychological well-being.
You deserve to feel better. News U. Politics Joe Biden Congress Extremism. Special Projects Highline. HuffPost Personal Video Horoscopes. The world is made up of all kinds of people but generally the people you come across are good people with good intentions. I believe the majority of us come into this world without the thought of intentionally hurting someone else or being a menace. There are those who are born with traits that would on paper suggest that person is a bad person, however most people learn through experiences how to be bad and take advantage of people.
If we weren't genuinely good on the inside from the start, I don't think our civilization would have made it this far. I like to keep telling myself that the majority of humans are inherently good, but I always have to remind myself that there is bad in everyone. No one in this world is perfect and some people have more bad than others. Unfortunately, it is common to assume that people will do things to serve the self rather than the group and this is more often true rather than false.
That's not to say that people aren't inherently good however. I believe when you see times of crisis the good is more likely to surface. Yes, I think that I would call humans naturally good in nature, and only a few that are born more aggressive than others.
Humans will generally rise to try to help others that are in trouble, and this shows that they are good. I think deep down we are all good. Humans were born to satisfy themselves. If you gave one toy to two toddlers, chances are that the stronger one would get the toy, leaving the weaker one with nothing and crying. There is almost no chance of them sharing the toy unless the parents drilled the act of sharing into their minds, and this would be learned and not inherently.
Humans are not inherently good. If they were, then there would be no crime or ethical dilemmas. There would be no need for things such as the Ten Commandments. People have a balance of good and bad in them at all times. Unfortunately bad often wins over the better half of us. Humans aren't inherently good.
They aren't inherently bad either, but I think there is more bad than good when you look at us overall. Look how we live and treat each other. Look at how we treat the planet. Look at how we treat the animals. Look at all the wars we've waged.
We have to kill things just to get calories and remain alive. We also harvest by force the materials that rightfully belong to other life forms for basically everything. Our shelter, Our clothing, Etc.