Simba is currently in Baltimore, MD, and waiting for Jul 22, Currently Fostered , Military Fostering. She had originally had a friend say they could watch her dog Pierre while she is in training, but recently they said they would be unable to care for him. Pierre is Jul 21, Currently Fostered , Military Fostering. Loren is a member of the US Air Force who is currently overseas and has been for some time! Loren had left his beautiful dog Anja with his mom, but she has unfortunately suffered some health issues in the past few months and now Loren and his mom are looking for an Jul 8, Currently Fostered , Military Fostering.
George is a 3 year old, 80lbs, neutered male Jul 7, Currently Fostered , Military Fostering. Anna doesn't have family or friends nearby her home in Williamsburg, MI, who can take care of her cat Billy during this training period.
Anna is hoping that there might Big "NO! Rancid Rabbit ends up firing them when Cat refuses to accept having his and Dog's likenesses used for useless merchandise such as bus passes and bricks, which may have been a dig towards Nickelodeon and the merchandise constantly made for their shows.
Boot Camp Episode : CatDog gets a military-style experience Butt Sticker : CatDog's dad ends up stuck to their mother's bottom after she sits on him at one point in "Vexed of Kin". Luckily, Johnny Meatseed ends up Real After All , and plants a ton of meat trees for Dog to feast upon as much as he wishes.
Cartoon Creature : Mr. Lampshaded on several occasions where no one is sure what kind of creature he's supposed to be. Word of God has it he was originally meant to be a monkey. Catchphrase : Several: Cat: "Bee-yoo-tee- ful! Cat tends to be the smarter of the two, prefers things to be clean, and often lets his greed get the best of him, while Dog is dim-witted, loves making messes, and is usually selfless and nice.
Cats Are Mean : Zigzagged. When Cat's written as mean, he's alarmingly mean; most of the time, however, he's more of a greedy and self-centered jerk than anything. He's even had his own moments of kindness and generosity. The cats of the Cat club however play this straight to a frightening degree in regards to their hatred of dogs. Cats Are Superior : If either of the duo tries to accomplish something due to egotistical concerns, it's Cat.
In general, he is also much more cunning and calculating than Dog. However, this means squat when Karma seems to have it out for him throughout the whole series, and rightfully so sometimes. Cats Hate Water : Cat definitely has an aversion to water, considering that the conjoined twins' bathtub is missing his half. Cats Have Nine Lives : In one episode, Dog accidentally unleashes Cat's other eight lives, and they have to get them back.
Chaotic Stupid : Cat will make anyone mad when the town has a crisis, even the police. Chaste Toons : This show had a lot of them. Rancid's niece Rancine appeared in the Christmas Episode , and is a spoiled brat.
The latter is actually smarter than his uncle Lube. Brat and Runt, Winslow's nephews, appear in "Harasslin' Match. The Chew Toy : Played as straight as can be with Cat. Nearly every character has the odd bout of extremely bad luck however. Cat sells themselves to Rancid because he'll get a sports car if he does, and Santa who'd already been disillusioned with the Christmas spirit gets so angry about it he cancels Christmas.
When Nearburg hears about it, they're all pissed off at CatDog. Thankfully, they manage to set everything right in the end and even get the Greasers to stop pounding them to celebrate Christmas. Cloudcuckoolander : Dog tends to have very weird beliefs and habits. Clown School : There is an episode where the titular duo go to clown school. It's played like a boot camp, with a drill instructor and parachute jumping. Cold Turkeys Are Everywhere : When your girlfriend looks like a pizza, maybe you should stop for a snack To make preparations for a dancing contest, Cat puts an overweight Dog on a diet so he will be fit enough for the competition.
This was often met with many setbacks because Dog kept hidden stashes of food which he ate while exercising. Eventually, under threat of disqualification, Dog relents and loses enough weight for the competition. This backfires where a starving Dog starts to hallucinate his surroundings as food he envisions his dancemates as pizza pies and drum sticks as chicken legs.
Dog finally breaks and proceeds to devour not only the buffet, but his dance mates and the entire theatre! Cone of Shame : Dog gets one in "Cone Dog. He then goes mad with power and starts to blackmail the entire world, putting Dog in ever-increasing Cones of Shame until he's in a dome-sized one.
Conjoined Twins : The titular characters are brothers joined from the waist down. Conspicuously Light Patch : In the taco restaurant in the episode "All You Can't Eat" where CatDog crawl under the floor tiles and you can see the path they take outlined on the tiles, for example.
Corrupt Corporate Executive : Rancid Rabbit usually holds the position of being an extremely unscrupulous business executive no matter where he is. After Dog becomes a successful sheep herder, his duties are no longer needed and the sheep are to be sent to the slaughterhouse.
After the duo rescue the sheep, they bring them home where Dog uses them to help Cat get to sleep by jumping over the bed one at a time. Crapsack World : Nearburg is shown to be a pretty unpleasant place to live for CatDog and their friends, probably because of Rancid. Crazy-Prepared : Cat is the only person in the entire town who has a Species License.
Most notable was when Catdog and the Geekers were defeated by Cliff using just a pair of underwear. Dark Horse Victory : CatDog and Mindy Wonderful are climbing a mountain, and the first to the top will have the mountain named after them. The winner is Dunglap. Dark Reprise : In "The Great Parent Mystery", the cats and dogs of Yokelburg sing a song called "Ain't No More", which is about how they've managed to set aside their differences and get along.
After Cat refuses to be married to a hillbilly girl, this incites the McDogs and the Catfields to resume their feud and "Ain't No More" gets a reprise where they instead sing about how their living in harmony is now a thing of the past.
Deadpan Snarker : Winslow and Cat both have their share of sarcastic remarks. Depending on the Writer : Is Cat a Jerkass that deserves his Butt-Monkey treatment, or just a mildly sarcastic and cynical guy who gets unfairly tortured by the rest of the universe?
Similarly, is Dog a well meaning guy that is just too stupid to realise the trouble he causes his twin , or a Psychopathic Manchild who just doesn't care one way or another? It doesn't help that the extent of his stupidity also varies from episode to episode. Deranged Animation Diabolus ex Machina : One of too many examples: CatDog accidentally create an extremely delicious candy that gives them worldwide fame and fortune.
At the very end, it's revealed that it also has the unintended side effect of making people go bald, and everyone hates them again. Given that water and capsaicin don't mix well, this only makes it worse. Dinosaur Doggie Bone : There's one episode where Dog steals all the dinosaur bones from the Nearburg museum.
Because several years prior to the episode, Dog apparently called Cat a "loser" once. Dogs Are Dumb : Dog fits this trope perfectly. Other Catdogs? Well, the writers actually had a whole special episode movie? When Catdog finally meets their parents, they are surprised to discover that they are not cats, or dogs, or even catdogs, but rather a blue fuzzy thing and an orange fuzzy thing.
They might have been weirdly proportioned trolls or yetis or something, but the point is they had no canine or feline features or anything that would imply a biological connection to Catdog. As CatDog lands, their fur returns and they landed on a very sharp rock. Dog sniffs around looking for signs that their mother and father may have been there and then Cat, having been getting tired of Dog's theories and detours, tells him that they are going straight to Yonderland, until they come upon a sign for the town of Yokelburg, home of two happy hillbilly clans, the McDogs a clan of dogs and the Catfields a clan of cats , who are celebrating 50 years of peace between each other.
However, during the celebrations Cat drinks some moonshine and burps in front of Pussycat Catfield's daughter. Unfortunately for Cat, the custom in Yokelburg is when you burp in a lady's face, that means you want to marry her. Cat refuses to marry her, and that instigates a feud between the Catfields and McDogs.
The fighting continues until both the Catfields and McDogs run out of ammo to use against each other, forcing both sides to engage in close combat until the entire town ends up a wreck because of the excess weight on CatDog, who escape on a log. Meanwhile, the Catfields and McDogs continue to blame each other for the destruction their town, but then Cliff tells them that CatDog is to blame for their feuding. Meanwhile, back with CatDog, they are on a raging river and then they get down a waterfall.
CatDog finally arrive at Yonderland, where Dog goes running looking for their parents, but is sad and disappointed in not finding them.
After a well deserved lecture from Cat, Dog finally agrees that looking for their parents was stupid, dumb and silly, and that he wishes he was more like Cat, but then Cat said that he wishes he was more like Dog because Dog was determined to find their parents and never gave up hope looking for them.
CatDog are suddenly caught in a small earthquake, but are rescued by a large, teal, four-eyed monster, who takes them into a cave and says Dog's catchphrase, and Dog immediately recognizes her as their long-lost mother, but Cat yells out she has four eyes. The middle pair of eyes reveals itself to be a small, green frog with a very large nose and CatDog's father.
Dog hugs their father, but Cat points out that they are not a CatDog, but this was because they are actually their adopted parents. Then, they flash back to the wonderful times they had together, culminating in that horrific day when they got separated from them in a powerful vortex.