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Now would be interesting to see the logic that Pahlavi dictatorship was caused by Mosadegh premiership. Not to forget that Mosadegh did not supersede the Pahlavis.
To address your other point, yes green movement is the result of the IRI dictatorship but it is too early to judge its outcome. Although his body language and tongue fat is excessively masterful and makes his point to be effective in deception! There is a trace of decency and corruption in everyone. Let's be fair or we will be in the same spot in few years as Akhoods were some 30 years ago! I did not compare Pahlavi Dictatorship with Mossadegh premiership. My intention was to question the logic that says, the previous regime is responsible for the birth of the new regime.
Are you that simple or assume the readers to be simple? When will you ever learn the truth about Islam and the role of religion in promoting and forcing backwardness? When will you be honest with yourself and confess that crime for the sake of god is still crime and victims are victims. We see the Islam in action, don't tell us this is not Islam. Don't tell us it would be nice if Ayatollahs didn't lie. The whole religion is nothing but a big lie. Time for you to be honest to yourself too.
When you make unfair comments about Mosadegh, what are you trying to say? That the coup and the removal of the elected prime minister through operation Ajax based on a plan masterminded by British was deserved or a good thing for Iran? How superficial is it to compare the 50 years of Pahlavi dictatorship with few years of the Mosadegh premiership and conclude that if IRI is a result of Pahlavi's dictatorship then that in turn is caused by Mosadegh.
Wake up. Touz chez. You're making intelligent argumnets. First of all I like to assert that I am not a religious man and I barely believe in God. However, you are being excessively myopic in your views of Islam and Democracy. Islam has been a liberating religion because it can mobilize the masses effecitively. Listen to Khomeini's speeches before the revolution and for the most part he spoke of Azadi.
This has nothing to do with the fact that he lied. My point is that it can and has mobilize d the masses and if used correctly it can be magnificent. If it were not for the Islamists the iranian people would not have participated in such large numbers in the constitutional revolution, oil nationalization and the revolution.
It truth also pains me, but the fact is that Islam is far stronger in our country than any other idea monarchy, communist, socialist, nationalist Despite political differences, I will not dismiss "Moshiri" and his views altogether. Needless to say his take on monarchy, is painfully on the money. He sounds like, and seems to be a man of reason who encourages "communications among different political factions".
That means honesty. And that's enough for me. I must tell you that I disagree with your reponse to Bahram Moshiri's speech. I wish I had time to go over you reponse but I will just discuss few of your points. Where you get this idea from and how you come up with this conclusion? We are living in a different world now and "the imprialistic powers" are facing a bitter realities and there is a very little they can do about it. A democratic Iran is a reality that these powers will accept because doing otherwise will prove costly.
If our nation wishes a democraticd Iran, then no power can stop it. You wrote: " Finally, if the West agrees for Iran to have a system similar to Iraq, they would have to put their military posts all along Iranians soil, which again won't resonate with our nation. Well, where these claims and conclusions come from? Abarmard, I found nothing flawed about his analysis. Pahalvi dynasty is the founder of Islamic regime in Iran, and nobody else.
Pahlavi Estebdad gave birth to Islamic Estebdad and it seems to me you can not accept it. If Zsar has respected the objectives of Raussian revolution then Balshavics could not come to pwoer so easily.
If Pahlavi regime had a tinniest respect for Iranian constitution then Khomeini had no chance to come to power. If shah's speech "I hear the voice of your revolution Couples of comments here have called Mr. Moshiri "dishonest and simple minded", without really knowing the man.
Instead of ripping apart someone who is not thinking like you and label them everything under the sun not even knowing the person look at yourself and ask the big question: What have we done lately? Mossageghs national government on that summer day in Shah signed a pack with the devil Mullahs and went against all progressive Iranian social groups and institutions end the result was; the devil Mullahs devoured the shah too.
The social growth in different parts of the world had different speed. However in the Middle East the lack of progress appeared because of foreign political domination. You could make a comment that people deserve what they get, however this is not an answer for realities and certainly goes against this individual's argument.
They were able to gradually move away from Religious systems and create more of a Republic and somewhat democracy. It is very childish to compare what Sa'di had said years ago?? What was Earth like then? These kinds of logic only goes for those who see themselves as unique and can't see a pattern of change along with solutions that other nations have reached.
To comment about his beginning speech, man has learned social rules and developed culture based on experiences and time. Yes humanity started with primitive ideas, but then worked around to generate a more complex system. If he means to say that in Iran we don't understand democracy because we are primitive, his logic lack maturity.
You are not borne with ideas but learn them. We did not have the opportunity to grow similar to Western societies but a quick look at many countries will show you that Iranian people were not too far off several hundred years ago.
Nothing could be further to truth. You have to see what it is that those nations require of you. What it is that you can give and limits that are drawn for you. In short Western regimes will not tolerate a system similar to Turkey in Iran. Not possible. Iran will be too powerful for them. Hence his analysis lacks reality.
Wishful thinking at best. If Western regimes won't allow Iran to even have Turkish system, you expect them to allow Iran to be a democracy? The challenge of Iranian nation is to find a way to reach their desired state without too much concerns about the Western demands. It takes away the real direction, as Iranian history is a clear indication, from people's way.
Those this guy who ignores history, ignores Iranian society, culture, and geo-political realities. Sounds easy and acceptable, yes, truthful and realistic, absolutely not. I would argue that Iranian people, far ahead of their government, have reached a higher democratic state of mind than anytime in the history of Iran. Experience is the greatest path to reach our destination.
Finally, if the West agrees for Iran to have a system similar to Iraq, they would have to put their military posts all along Iranians soil, which again won't resonate with our nation. In fact, anyone who supports the illegitimacy of Mosaddeq's unconstitutional take over of power in the dying months of his premiership cannot be an honest person, at least in this regard.
Mosaddeq understood this CONTRACT very well - as long as it served his power mania - but he was prepared to tear it into pieces when it went against his egotistical ambitions. He was the architect of his own downfall. I salute Mr. Moshiris knowledge and insightful comments.
I do have some questions and reservations regarding some of his assessments though particularly in regard to the parrallels he draws between Religion and the Monarchy as being the two Pillars of dictatorship and oppression in Iran. I think once again the events of blur our judgment on the reasons that led to the revolution of True the Shah had a responsability in his own downfall.
There is no point of arguing about the mistakes and errors if the premise is that the monarchy was a Pillar of Estebdad oppression in the first place.
Again the so called Coup or Counter Coup? Mehdi Bazargan and the controversial legacy of Iran's Islamic intellectual movement. Again the real question we need to ask ourselves is what is a Constitution and what is it's purpose? Abbas Milani and Mashaulah Adjoudani I think have been the only ones to try and take a more objective and unpassionate view in this regard in recent years giving us a more serious assessments on the dillemas and challenges of Iranian society at the time :. Do You People Understand the difference?
Mossadegh Created the TRAP for himself by Not understanding or rather not acknowledging the mechanisms of the Constitution of the Land which he claimed to Respect and upon which he and his followers to date derive their Legitimacy. So What Went Wrong? That is What Historians like Moshiri and he is not alone fail to answer. He failed to see the fragility of Iran's civil and political society and refused the status quo of the Constitution by Breaching it. Demanding the departure of the Head of State and abolishing the Parliament were the result of once again of what has failed most of our Iranian Political elite to date and that is EGO Political or personal in seeing ourselves as the Providential Hero.
Respectable in it's own Right but which fails to convince me in his development. His ideas unlike Jean Jacques Rousseau were deeply rooted in this admiration and he was to actually serve as advisor to other Enlighted Kings and Queens of Europe who wished to achieve the British Model for their own nation such as Catherine The Great of Russia or the King of Prussia, Frederick the Great even if it did not stop him from being jailed or banned by the Establishments of the time :.
Voltaire for instance would have most probably Opposed the abolishment of the Monarchy in France had he lived at the time and the execution of the King and Queen. It basically took a century to reach some form of Stability and a definitive Parliamentary Democracy which the British had already acquired since the premises having been the Magna Carta much earlier.
Do We Wish to go through a Similar Pattern as France when the possibilities of a British Parliamentary Model and historical parrallels seem more appropriate to Our Historical experience?
I think contrary to Mr. I do share Mr. Moshiris arguments in regard to Secularism as being the founding Brick of a Democratic Society :. Or Belgium the Constitution of which was used to draft the Iranian Constitution of the time :. I do hail Mr. Moshiris Efforts to start this debate which is not only healthy but of Major Importance if we ever wish to achieve our democratic Ideals in our lifetime.
Moshiri We can agree to disagree but we do have one common goal and it is good to see Mr. Bahram Moshiri has been one of the few voices of reason and hope in Iranian Expatriate society. He is right on almost all the things he says, and one must ponder on his sound and well expressed ideas. This has been an evolving process in the past three decades. The formidable task is changing the nurtured despotic IRI mindset of millions of believers in Iran, after the inevitable fall of IRI theocracy.
Name one islamic country that is a democracy or anything close to it unless it has distinct separation of mosque and state. In Iran clergy supported the Mashrooteh for a slew of reasons and their own interests, not to liberate the society. The events you list starting with Renaissance were all essentially trying to free man from religion or its power base. Read the works you list again because not a single instance can be related to liberation by religion.
Any religion. That is not possible because religion limits and enslaves the mind by the virtue of what it is. Much more so than any ism. Now read your sentence a few times and see if you can find how many things are wrong with it. I'm assuming you are familiar with jamaledin's ideas since you make such pronouncement.