Maybe she and Wulfgar could hook up. He's also exceptionally large, although I assume this is actually part of his canonical description. Maybe she's a Half-Ogre Half-Elf? I love her voice too. She's way taller than nearly every human, except the NPCs that are I'm huge! Again if you talked with Lenton up to the Archeologists Barracks you will know what to do with the Chieftain. Lenton asked you to bring the Head of the Troll Leader in an effort to avenge his brother death, so after defeating the Troll Chieftain pick up his head and return it to Lenton to collect your reward.
The chieftain will probably be holding a random magical item as well. After Linu ends her tale in Chapter 2 you will know that Linu would be very pleased if she could find the Journal of her beloved one. She appears in the Well of the Dragons as a quest giver and game currency named Linu's Favor is needed to complete the campaign. Neverwinter Wiki. Neverwinter Wiki Explore. Main Page All Pages. Main page Random page. To keep things simple, all of your henchmen are looking for particular items.
A couple of the items are in the possession of a creature; the rest are in containers somewhere. You can retrieve the items at any time, but you cannot give the item to your henchman until you have heard the third part of their story.
Once you have heard all three parts of their stories, have the item in your inventory and have the the appropriate henchman in your party, you can give them the item and they will upgrade the item they gave you in Chapter 1. All of the items are useful, to a greater or lesser degree, but the usefulness is going to depend heavily on your class.
Whatever you do, don't sell or drop the rewards that your henchmen give you. Your henchmen will upgrade the items again in Chapter 3, but you must have them in your inventory when you complete their quests in order for that to happen.