At first, the pieces can only move forward. They can make two kinds of moves: non-capturing moves and capturing moves. Non-capturing moves involve moving forward diagonally from one square to a connecting square. Capturing moves are executed when a player's piece jumps his opponent's piece.
This is accomplished in a diagonal direction and only occurs when the square behind the at-risk piece is also empty.
Pieces can jump several times on a capturing move. When a checker reaches the other side of the board, it is topped with another checker. This means a piece of the same color is placed on top of it. When this happens, the playing piece becomes a king. A king has the power to move both forward and backward. Do make sure your own pieces are not captured first. Not Helpful 14 Helpful You do not have to move the checkers on the back line, and this may be used as a defensive tactic to prevent your opponent from getting "kinged.
Not Helpful 24 Helpful Only the king can be moved backwards, but a piece can be moved as many times as you need. When it reaches the other side of the board, can only be moved sideways, besides the king. Not Helpful 27 Helpful Does a king have to jump an opponent's piece if it has the opportunity to do so, even if it makes the king vulnerable?
Not Helpful 29 Helpful Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. By using this service, some information may be shared with YouTube. Keep your back row until most of your opponents checkers are lined up in front of them.
Then you can jump a lot of pieces! Helpful 8 Not Helpful 0. When your pieces are on an edge of the board, they can't be jumped. Use this to your advantage. Helpful 5 Not Helpful 0. Submit a Tip All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published. Related wikiHows How to. How to. More References 4. About This Article. Tested by:. Co-authors: Updated: October 7, Article Summary X Checkers is a 2-player game that's played on a special board called a checkerboard.
Italiano: Giocare a Dama. Nederlands: Dammen. Deutsch: Dame spielen. Bahasa Indonesia: Bermain Dam. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 1,, times. Now I'm trying to teach my little one, and I didn't realize how much I had forgotten, so it was a nice refresher course. Thank you, greatly appreciated!
More reader stories Hide reader stories. Did this article help you? Cookies make wikiHow better. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Joann Coleman Jan 8, Sep 8, This article was very helpful, especially because it had diagrams.
Rated this article:. Amalthea Haggard Apr 11, Trying to play a game with my son, my brain went blank! How embarrassing. Thank you for this. The king can move around the board in such a way that other pieces cannot. Single checker pieces can only move one space at a time, unless they are jumping another piece. However, the king can move forwards AND backwards, which is part of the significance of getting one of your checker pieces "kinged" during the game.
However, despite the king's ability to move freely, it still cannot move side to side, as this movement does not exist in the game of checkers. The winner of checkers in this variation is the player whose pieces are all captured first or is unable to move legally. International draughts is slightly different than US checkers. In the event there is more than one path to capture your opponents pieces, one must use the path that results in collecting the most checkers.