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According to some psychologists, controlling panic and anxiety attacks can be tricky. Most often than not, when these attacks occur, it is almost impossible to stop it. The key here is to prevent it before they actually happen. After all, prevention is still the best medicine, right? One way to control these attacks is through medications. There are many kinds of these medications sold in the market. However, it is utmost important to seek for medical advice first before someone takes such medications.
Besides, most of these drugs should come with a prescription and cannot be bought as over-the-counter. Two of the most common antidepressants that most doctors prescribe today are Cymbalta and Effexor. These drugs are classified as SNRIs and are used to treat depression, anxiety and other affective disorders. SNRIs prevent the two neurotransmitters — serotonin and noradrenalin from being reabsorbed into the cells of the brain, which prolong the effect of these transmitters and alleviates depression.
SNRIs are commonly preferred treatment because of the specifity for serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake proteins. There is a decreased known side effects related to SNRIs compared to its other counterparts. In addition to this, medications that belong to this classification are generally faster acting and more effective in treating affective disorders.
View 1 more answer. Switching from effexor venlafaxine to cymbalta reduced my drowsiness, after 2 month on cymbalta again i'm drowsy. Rhonda Simons answered. Family Medicine 15 years experience.
It is related to low fo Which is the strongest ssri Robert Kneece answered. Neither: It is not necessary that one is stronger than another but one may work better for a different patient depending on that persons makeup and symptoms. Because i have stents.. Payam Mehranpour answered. Central: The effect of snris on norepinephrine is inhibition of serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake in the nervous system. This reuptake does not occur in th Effexor venlafaxine is known to raise blood pressure Colin Sanner answered.
Correct: While all serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors snris can raise blood pressure, generally those with more activity on norepinephrine levels People also searched for: Are there differences between zoloft and effexor. Effexor vs cymbalta weight gain. Switching from effexor xr to cymbalta. Difference between sinus and fistula. Difference between lactogen and isomil. Difference between dvt and cvi.